course information of 108 - 2 | 2235 Introduction to Food Market(食品流通學概論)

2235 - 食品流通學概論 Introduction to Food Market

教育目標 Course Target

透過食品流通的整體性介紹,了解食品由生產者移轉到消費者的過程與活動(包含原物料儲存、製造、存貨、配送等),理解【農場到餐桌】的整體商流、物流、金流、資訊流等操作模式與原則。透過課程達到對食品供應鏈、食品物流、食品工業管理、食品倉儲等具有初步的認知的目的,並強化智慧化與AI管理應用議題。本課程著重觀念建立,由一般的流通基本知識出發,逐步介紹至「食品冷鏈」與其相關的流通概念。本堂課具有期末報告,著重在食品流通案例介紹與分析,並重視課堂報告討論,預計採「分階段」的討論方式完成期末報告。同時,為使學用落差縮小,提供學生多一種證照考試的選擇,本課程之內容亦符合「美國SOLE國際物流協會台灣分會」與「中華食品安全管制系統發展協會(Chinese HACCP)」的「HACCP食品安全管制與採購暨SOLE流通冷鏈管理師」證照考試之所需,同學可選擇性參加證照考試。整體課程規劃,有助於同學瞭解流通及冷鏈管理整體的營運範疇、工作項目及管理重點,培養同學未來從事食品或食材採購、衛生安全管理、行銷貿易、食品流通、冷鏈物流、餐飲門市服務等相關工作的知識與能力。Through a comprehensive introduction to food circulation, understand the process and activities of food transfer from producers to consumers (including raw material storage, manufacturing, inventory, distribution, etc.), and understand the overall business flow, logistics, and finance of [farm to table]. operating modes and principles such as flow and information flow. Through the course, students can gain a preliminary understanding of food supply chain, food logistics, food industry management, food warehousing, etc., and strengthen intelligent and AI management application issues. This course focuses on concept building, starting from general basic knowledge of circulation and gradually introducing "food cold chain" and its related circulation concepts. This class has a final report, focusing on the introduction and analysis of food circulation cases, and attaches great importance to classroom report discussions. It is expected to use a "staged" discussion method to complete the final report. At the same time, in order to narrow the gap between students and students and provide students with one more choice for certification exams, the content of this course also complies with the "HACCP" of the "American SOLE International Logistics Association Taiwan Branch" and the "Chinese HACCP" Food Safety Control and Purchasing and SOLE Circulation Cold Chain Manager" certificate examination is required. Students can optionally take the certificate examination. The overall course planning helps students understand the overall operational scope, work projects and management focus of circulation and cold chain management, and trains students to engage in food or ingredient procurement, health and safety management, marketing and trade, food circulation, cold chain logistics, and catering stores in the future. Knowledge and abilities in service and other related work.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. Samir Dani (2015), Food supply chain management and logistics: from farm to fork, London, KoganPage.
2. Eleftherios Iakovou, Dionysis Bochtis, Dimitrios Vlachos, Dimitrios Aidonis (2016), Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Food Networks
3. Brijesh K. Tiwari, Tomas Norton, Nicholas M. Holden, (2013). Sustainable Food Processing

1. 流通管理概論-精華理論與本土案例(第四版),戴國良,五南出版社
2. 流通冷鏈管理﹙美國SOLE「流通冷鏈管理師」認證指定教材﹚,美國Sole國際物流協會台灣分會主編,滄海書局,第一版,民國108年5月。
3. 食品供應鏈與物流管理,中國醫藥大學雲端健康促進研究室教材編輯委員會
4. 自行準備之教材

Mainly personal handouts and teaching materials

【Foreign language reference books】
1. Samir Dani (2015), Food supply chain management and logistics: from farm to fork, London, KoganPage.
2. Eleftherios Iakovou, Dionysis Bochtis, Dimitrios Vlachos, Dimitrios Aidonis (2016), Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Food Networks
3. Brijesh K. Tiwari, Tomas Norton, Nicholas M. Holden, (2013). Sustainable Food Processing

【Chinese reference books】
1. Introduction to Circulation Management - Essence Theory and Local Cases (Fourth Edition), Dai Guoliang, Wunan Publishing House
2. Circulation Cold Chain Management (Designated textbook for the US SOLE "Circulation Cold Chain Manager" certification), editor-in-chief of the US Sole International Logistics Association Taiwan Branch, Canghai Bookstore, first edition, May 108, the Republic of China.
3. Food supply chain and logistics management, Textbook Editing Committee of China Medical University Cloud Health Promotion Research Laboratory
4. Self-prepared teaching materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
20 取最高分四次小考成績
daily performance
5 點名與課程互動

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[A106] Wednesday/8[AG122]
授課教師 Teacher:徐昕煒
修課班級 Class:食科系1
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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