Animation combines a multiple structural art in different fields such as art, technology, business, education, visual culture. To create good animation art, you must master the interaction trend of contemporary animation and social and cultural, especially in the post -modern cultural wave, animation can be interpreted from different views and cultural levels. Therefore Expression became the primary condition for successful anime.
This course focuses on the cultivation of the core concept of animation; to cultivate students' basic ability to create the creation of animation script with single -style drawing and multimedia methods, to understand the nature of animation, explore the performance of role movements, scene segmentation and time control, In the process of script creation, we will establish a more developing direction of animation creation.
Explain the main specials and functions of the comics; establish a clear cognition and concept of comic culture. Through the creation of animation script and the production of charts, traine students to cultivate the ability of stories, narrative structures, and expressions of graphic imagination in contemporary culture.
趙瑩(2012)經典動漫魔力:零失敗の劇本創作與分鏡設計 。臺北市:佳魁資訊。ISBN:978-986-5908-49-2
Zhao Ying (2012) Classic Anime Magic: Zero Failure's Script Creation and Mirror Design. Taipei City: Jiakui Information. ISBN: 978-986-5908-49-2
Ji Caiyun, Tu Guoxiong (2013) Animated Mirror Practical Secrets. Taipei City: 资 台. ISBN: 978-986-257-570-3
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
上課參與上課參與 Participate in class |
5 | 課堂中的活動表現 |
期中考期中考 Secondary entrance examination |
5 | 劇本編寫考驗 |
平常作業平常作業 Normal homework |
5 | 課堂作業及延伸作業、課堂報告 |
期末評圖期末評圖 Final review |
5 | 期末作業報告 |