course information of 106 - 2 | 8432 Mixed Media (II)(複合媒體(二))

Taught In English8432 - 複合媒體(二) Mixed Media (II)

教育目標 Course Target

1.透過實際操作與練習,學習複合媒體創作的技巧與概念。 2.從中發展複合媒體的創作構成,使之擁有其自主性與創造性。 3.藉由了解各種媒體的性質,發展媒體創新的使用可能。 4.探討媒體組合之必要與合適,讓複合媒體創作有更高層次的面向。1. Through actual operation and practice, learn the skills and concepts of composite media creation. 2. Develop the creation of composite media from it so that it has its autonomy and creativity. 3. By understanding the nature of various media, the possibility of developing media innovation. 4. Discuss the necessary and appropriate media combinations, so that composite media creation has a higher level.

課程概述 Course Description

以當代觀念藝術家或作品為案例,引導學生學習非關傳統美學及造型的藝術創作觀,以概念為基礎,擴大感知經驗,強調空間脈絡、物件性(Objecthood)、互動性,練習多重媒介混合運用的創作潛力。從指定研究案例的作業發展中,讓學生探討概念藝術與複合媒介的多重表現力,擴大創作概念和非造型性語彙。需涵蓋互動藝術(Interactive Art)、特定場域藝術(Site-specific Installation)、行為藝術(Performance)、藝術介入(Art Intervention)、環境雕塑(environmental Sculpture)等議題的創作練習。
Taking contemporary concept artists or works as a case, guide students to learn the artistic creative view of non -traditional aesthetics and styling. Based on concepts, expand their perception experience, emphasize space veins, objects, interaction, and practice multiple media mixed uses. Creative potential. From the development of the designated cases, let students explore the multiple expressions of conceptual art and composite medium, and expand the creative concepts and non -format vocabulary. Need to cover interactive art (Internet Arte-Specific Installation, Performance, Art International, Environmental Sculpture and other topics.

參考書目 Reference Books

Gao Qianhui, "Third Wings: Artistic Concept and Dissatisfaction", Taipei: Collection Art Family Co., Ltd., 2014.
Chen Qixiang, "Postmodern Art in Europe", Taipei: Artist Publishing House, 2002.
Hou Yirean, "Nature. Space. Sculpture, Taipei: Asia Pacific Book Co., Ltd., 1994.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance rate
10 出席到課
Classroom performance
30 課堂發表、課堂作業
Published during the period
30 作品完成度、發展性
At the end of the period
30 作品完成度、發展性

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-2627 Mixed Media (II) / 複合媒體(二) (美術系2,授課教師:段存真,四/5,6,7[FA104])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/7,8,9[FA209]
授課教師 Teacher:胡竣傑
修課班級 Class:美術系3,4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 40 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 40 人。

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