course information of 106 - 2 | 2867 Design Creation(創意設計)

Taught In English2867 - 創意設計 Design Creation

教育目標 Course Target

1. 訓練觀察力、靈感及想像力激發,並藉由生活紀錄,培養欣賞美事物好習慣。 2. 實際演練並熟悉腦力激盪創作過程,體會並了解源源不絕的創意方法。 3. 利用個案研究分析報告,學習獨立思考、表達及領導議題的能力。 4. 分組執行團隊運作,以國際設計趨勢議題為練習,從Brain Storming到作品產出。1. Train the stimulation of observation, spirit and imagination, and cultivate the habit of enjoying beautiful things through life records. 2. Actual practice and familiarize yourself with the brain-stimulating creative process, and you will understand the endless creative methods. 3. Use case research and analysis reports to learn the ability to think, express and lead topics independently. 4. The sub-group operates teamwork, practices with international design trends, and produces works from Brain Storming.

課程概述 Course Description

從美學、功能、合理性的基本要求下,訓練創意發想過程的速度和設計符號整合能力。期能使創作跳脫理性主義的思維,更純熟運用多元符碼展現作品之深度或表現趣味性及文化性。 主要內容: 籍由觀摩國際知名設計作品,激發創作動能,再經由腦力激盪(Brain Storming)的過程,或經由劇本式導引設計,進行快速提案。以訓練其美學鑑賞.創意發想.表達溝通和集體創作能力,並探討設計的多元可能性。
From the basic requirements of aesthetics, function and rationality, train the speed of creative ideas and the ability to integrate design symbols. In order to make the creation go beyond rational thinking, and to use multiple symbols to develop the depth or interest and culture of the work. Main content: It uses the famous design works in Morgan Storming to stimulate creative dynamics, and then quickly propose through the Brain Storming process, or through the introduction of this script. Use training to cultivate their aesthetics and creative ideas, express communication and collective creative abilities, and explore the diverse possibilities of design.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 設計思考改造世界 Tim Brown ISBN 978-957-08-3655-4
2. 寄藤文平的創意畫法 ISBN 978-986-120-941-8
3. 夠了! 創意 The Plenitude: Creativity, innovation, and making stuff by Rich Gold
ISBN 978-986-724-779-7
1. Design and thinking to transform the world Tim Brown ISBN 978-957-08-3655-4
2. Creative painting of Fuji Fuji ISBN 978-986-120-941-8
3. It's over! Creativity The Plenitude: Creativity, innovation, and making stuff by Rich Gold
ISBN 978-986-724-779-7

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Classroom division operation 1
35 作業評分標準 1. 創意度(50%) 2. 表現手法及完成度 (20%) 3. 討論參與度(30%)
Classroom division operations 2
35 作業評分標準 1. 創意度(50%) 2. 表現手法及完成度 (20%) 3. 討論參與度(30%)
Personal Design Research Report
30 作業評分標準 1. 內容豐富度(40%) 2.邏輯分析(30%) 3. 表現手法及完成度 (30%)

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相似課程 Related Course

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/11,12[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:何婷芬
修課班級 Class:工設系2-4
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者(限5名),請至工設系登記.
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 22 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 22 人。

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