course information of 106 - 2 | 2801 Create the Therapeutic Environments for the Elderly(高齡者療癒性環境)

Taught In English2801 - 高齡者療癒性環境 Create the Therapeutic Environments for the Elderly

教育目標 Course Target

為因應超高齡社會的來到,世界先進國無不竭盡所能,發展各種照顧老人的辦法與設施。總的說都指向創造適合老人健康照顧的療癒/育性環境。本課程即在讓同學了解此趨勢,與所謂療癒/育環境之要旨與軟硬體內容。並藉著參訪案例與環境改善作業,培養同學具備實踐之能力。 1. 讓同學了解世界先進國發展各種照顧老人的辦法、設施之趨勢與理論。以及他們所營造出的適合老人健康照顧的療癒/育環境之要旨與軟硬體內容。 2. 培養同學具備於我國長期照護政策與文化社會情狀下之實踐能力。 3. 達成教育部補助本校USR社會責任系列課程之目標,讓同學具備學以致用之能力與擔負社會責任之態度。 Due to the arrival of a super-high society, the world's leading countries have indefinitely developed various methods and facilities for caring for the elderly. The whole statement points to creating a erectile/fertility environment suitable for the elderly’s health care. This course allows students to understand this trend, the essence of the aging/education environment and the content of the software and hardware. And through visiting cases and environmental improvement operations, we can cultivate students' ability to prepare. 1. Let students understand the methods, facilities trends and theoretical discussions of the world's advanced countries in developing various elderly care. And the essence and soft and hard content of the aged/education environment they create suitable for health care for the elderly. 2. Cultivate students to have practical abilities under the long-term care policy and cultural and social situation in our country. 3. Achieve the goal of the Ministry of Education to assist the USR social responsibility series of courses in our school, so that students can have the ability to apply what they have learned and the attitude of being responsible for social responsibility.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Bush-Brown, A. (1996)〈Chapter 17 The healing environment〉 in M. S. Valins& D. Salter (Eds.)《Futurecare: New directions in planning health and care environments》(pp.136-143).Wiley-Blackwell.
2.Graham D. Rowles and Miriam Bernard, 龔玉齡等譯(2015),《環境高齡學:提供老人優質生活處所》,台北市:華騰文化
3.Heulat, Barbara J. and Wan, T.(2003),林妍如、陳金淵譯(2007),《Healing Environments Design for the Body ,Mind & Spirit,》,台灣:五南書局
4.Marcus, Clare Cooper and Barnes, Marni(1999),江姿儀等譯,《Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations》 John Wiley & Sons. 《益康花園:理論與實務》,台北:五南
5.Sue V. Saxon, Mary Jean Etten, Elizabeth A. Perkins 著,林伯岡、陳喬男、陳秀珍、吳芎歷、陳素惠、戴金英、陳蕙玲、劉紋妙、楊其璇譯(2016),《老人生理變化:概念與應用》(二版),台北市:華騰文化股份有限公司

1.Bush-Brown, A. (1996)〈Chapter 17 The healing environment〉 in M. S. Valins& D. Salter (Eds.) "Futurecare: New directions in planning health and care environments" (pp.136-143).Wiley-Blackwell.
2. Graham D. Rowles and Miriam Bernard, Translation of Long Yuqi (2015), "Environmental Age: Providing Quality Living Places for the Elderly", Taipei City: Huateng Culture
3.Heulat, Barbara J. and Wan, T. (2003), Lin Yanru and Chen Jin-Lu (2007), "Healing Environments Design for the Body ,Mind & Spirit,", Taiwan: Wunan Book Bureau
4. Marcus, Clare Cooper and Barnes, Marni (1999), Jiang Ziyan, et al., "Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations" John Wiley & Sons. "Yikang Gardens: Theory and Practice", Taipei: Wunan
5. by Sue V. Saxon, Mary Jean Etten, Elizabeth A. Perkins, Lin Bojia, Chen Qiaonan, Chen Xiuzhen, Wu Xiong, Ju Suhui, Dai Jinying, Chen Huiling, Liu Bianmiao, and Yang Qixuan (2016), "Physical Changes of the Elderly: Concepts and Applications" (second edition), Taipei City: Huateng Culture Co., Ltd.
6. Written by Lin Yuzi, translated by Zeng Siyu (1997), "Buying a Child's Home - A View of the 80s of Life", published by Hu's Book
7. Hu Youhui (1995), "Three Generations of Family Belonging—Mything and Trap", Taipei: Juliu Book
8. Editor of Cai Ruiming (2015) "Silver Hair Life: Building a Quality Long Youth Life and Environment", Taipei: Juliu
9. Guan Huashan (1996), "The Residence Environment of the Elderly in Taiwan", Taipei: Tianyuan City Cultural Affairs Co., Ltd.
10. Guan Huashan et al. (2017), "Assessment of the Application of Timeliness in Higher Society", Taipei: Architectural Research Institute of the Ministry of Interior

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class discussion and participation
Final period work and release
80 每位同學選取國內家有高齡者之家戶二戶,或二至三人一組,選取國內一家中型或大型照顧設施,對其軟硬體與高齡者使用狀況,進行調查訪談紀錄與評估。期末各組提出報告,並接受教師講評。
Attendance rate

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必修-3337 Create the Therapeutic Environments for the Elderly / 自然:高齡者療癒性環境 (共必修2-4,授課教師:關華山,二/5,6,7[C204])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/5,6,7[C204]
授課教師 Teacher:關華山
修課班級 Class:建築系2-5
選課備註 Memo:USR計畫,通識中心3337雙掛課程
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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