course information of 106 - 2 | 2732 Theater Technical Operation(劇場技術實務)

Taught In English2732 - 劇場技術實務 Theater Technical Operation

教育目標 Course Target

在文化意識抬頭的今天,藝文活動演出的蓬勃及多樣性,著實令人著迷。劇場設計理念的表達及專業技術製作精神,在劇場文化的薰陶下,亦成為吸引大眾前來觀看的重要因素。技術部門 肩負著非常大的製作責任,為整個團隊呈現出設計師的最終美學與理念;其涵蓋範疇非常廣泛,從技術設計的知識整合、廠商人脈、會計基礎、安全法規知識至施作時的企管效率、工廠 管理、工廠安全等等。本學期課程透過小組模擬一齣演出進行實務操作,不僅讓同學對劇場技術與管理有初步認識,也從中了解劇場技術團隊的運作,並獲得合作的精神、溝通的技巧、解決問題的能力及正向樂觀的態度。Today, when cultural consciousness is rising, the prosperity and variety of art activities are really fascinating. The expression of drama design concepts and professional technical production spirit have also become an important factor in attracting the public to come and watch under the influence of drama culture. Technical Department It is responsible for a very large production responsibility and presents the ultimate aesthetics and concepts of designers to the entire team; its coverage is very broad, from the integration of technical design knowledge, manufacturer's businessman's, accounting basics, safety legal knowledge to corporate management efficiency and factory during implementation Management, factory safety, etc. This course performs practical operations through a group simulation of a performance. This not only allows students to have a preliminary understanding of the drama technology and management, but also understand the operation of the drama technology team from it, and gain the spirit of cooperation, communication skills, problem solving ability and positive viewing attitude.

課程概述 Course Description

在表演藝術與創作抬頭的今天,藝文活動演出的蓬勃及多樣性,著實令人著迷。劇場設計理念的表達及專業技術製作精神,在劇場文化的薰陶下,亦成為吸引大眾前來觀看的重要因素。 本課程之課程內容應包含: 1.表演藝術演出製作工作企劃執行。 2.劇場技術設計、規劃、執行專題。 3.劇場多媒體設計應用專題。 為提昇同學的劇場知識,將配合大量的實務分享與互動研究,在討論中獲得一個具體的技術設計應用能力。
Today, when performing arts and creations are raising the heads, the prosperity and variety of art activities are really fascinating. The expression of drama design concepts and professional technical production spirit have also become an important factor in attracting the public to come and watch under the influence of drama culture. The course content of this course should include: 1. Perform the production of performance art. 2. Drama technical design, planning, and execution topics. 3. Drama multimedia design application topics. In order to improve the students' drama knowledge, we will cooperate with a large amount of practical sharing and interactive research to obtain a specific technical design application ability in the discussion.

參考書目 Reference Books


Drama Management, written by Yin Shiying, Taipei: Book Lin.
Stage Management, translated by Yang Shuwen, Taipei: Taiwan Technical Theater Conference.
Director's handbook, written by Qiu Kunliang, Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee.
Community drama work manual, edited by Qiu Kunliang, Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee.
Performance handbook, written by Qiu Kunliang, Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee.
Stage Design Handbook, written by Qiu Kunliang, Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee.
Theatre space is outlined, edited by Qiu Kunliang, Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee.
Theater production manual, written by Qiu Kunliang and Zhan Huideng, Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee.
Lighting design and operation manual, written by Qiu Kunliang and Zhili, Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee.
Technical Guidelines Overview, by Qiu Kunliang and Shi Shunsheng, Taipei: Executive Yuan Cultural Construction Committee.
Drama technical manual, Shi Shunsheng, Fan Chaoqing, Lianying. Taipei: Taiwan Technical Drama Association.
Stage Technology - Theoretical Basics and Practical Operations, edited by Liu Dalun, Taipei: Taiwan Academy of Fine Arts.
Reading stage designer, written by Yang Qiwen/editor, Taipei: National Taipei University of Art.
Watch the stage, Jiang Lu Lei, Taipei: Far.
Ding Feng Guangyan in the playground, written by Gu Biling, Taipei: Time Culture.
Theater Ming Dynasty - The stage design aesthetics of contemporary master Li Minglai, translated by Wang Mengchao, Taipei: Original publishing Uni-Books and Taiwan Technical Drama Association (TATT).
Empty space, Geng Yiwei, Taipei: National Zhongzheng Cultural Center.
The infinite power of light, Geng Yiwei, Taipei: National Zhongzheng Cultural Center.
Scene overview and appreciation, Ye Zi’s translation, Taipei: Wisdom.
Stage scene: Link Hua’s design and contemplation, Link Hua, Wang Wanrong, Taipei: Far.
Appreciation of World Drama Art, Translated by Hu Yaoheng, Taipei: Zhiwen.
Art Industry Marketing Case Collection 1, Floor Yong, Taipei: Wisdom.
Operation and management of communication group: A case study of professional communication group's professional operation and breaking the national music hall communication group. Zhang Huizhen's writing, Taipei: Mai Tian.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Personal Operation 1-Acquainting Scene Report
10 挑選任一個劇場,針對其空間、硬體設備、軟體服務或使用經驗作報告。(4/24繳交)
Personal Work 2-Performance Art Experience
10 請於本學期期間觀賞一齣(或多齣)現場演出,透過自己的語言或表達方式,分享你的觀察與體驗。(5/22繳交)
Personal Operation 3-Lighting Operation
10 根據老師指示於課堂上操作
Group of works
60 學期中模擬一場演出,透過分組進行,並於期末最後一堂課進行表演呈現,錄影後彙整書面資料,透過教學平台遞交電子檔。

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-7256 Theater Technical Operation / 劇場技術實務 (表藝碩學程1,授課教師:廖惇根,二/3,4[芳華廳])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[MU128]
授課教師 Teacher:蘇曉青
修課班級 Class:音樂系2-4
選課備註 Memo:第一堂請務必到課,並於課堂上開放登記加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 15 人。

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