學習基礎核酸化學、基因的複製轉錄轉譯、基因的表現與調控、基因體學概念,以及基因操作技術原理,奠定未來從事生物技術研究或工作的基礎。本課程以對分子生物學內容具有興趣或研究工作有相關之同學為對象,提供分子生物學基本概念並熟悉與了解相關的研究進展與實驗技術。以分子層次的觀點對基因及其相關的活性,作一有系統及深入淺出的介紹。內容涵蓋DNA/RNA/蛋白質三個核心分子,除探討其合成複製及轉錄轉譯過程,也對分子間交互作用與調控修補維護等機制進行剖析。另外,也針對研究所需之相關技術配合實際應用詳加介紹,以帶領學習者進入基因體學及蛋白質體學的時代。Learn basic nucleic acid chemistry, genetic translation translation, the performance and regulation of genes, the concept of genetic physical studies, and the principles of gene operation technology, laying the foundation for future biotechnology research or work. In this course, students who are interested in or related to the content of molecular biology are targeted, providing basic concepts of molecular biology and familiar with and understanding related research progress and experimental technologies. From the perspective of molecular levels, the genetically and related activity is made to a systematic and in -depth introduction. The content covers three core elements of DNA/RNA/protein. In addition to exploring its synthetic replication and transcription translation process, it also analyzes the mechanisms such as inter -molecules interaction and regulation repair and maintenance. In addition, it is also described in detail for the relevant technologies required by the research to lead the practitioner to lead learners into the era of genetic physical studies and protein.
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1.Molecular Biology by David P. Clark and Nanette J. Pazdernik. 2e. 2013. Elsevier Inc, USA. 中文導讀 王紹鴻 2014。
1. Molecular Biology by David P. Clark and NAnette J. Pazdernik. 2E. 2013. Elsevier Inc, USA. Chinese Guide Wang Shaohong 2014.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課後作業課後作業 After -school homework |
20 | 各章隨堂作業 |
學習態度學習態度 Learning attitude |
10 | 上課出勤及學習狀況 |
期中考試期中考試 Mid -term exam |
35 | 筆試 |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
35 | 筆試 |