使學生了解如何進行食品風險評估,包括了解風險評估的四個分析步驟,分別為危害物質鑑定、危害特徵描述、暴露評估及風險特徵描述,其中危害物質鑑定,係能辨識食品中對健康造成負面影響之生物性、物理性及化學性因子;危害特徵描述係針對可能造成不良健康效應之因子,進行定性或定量評估,例如經由劑量-反應評估,評估每日容許攝取量、每日容忍攝取量或致癌風險;暴露評估係經由食物攝取量,評估遭受危害因子的可能暴露量;風險特徵描述則就上述步驟的結果,彙整估算風險。此外,本課程另以實際案例作為教學的範例及討論的對象,並輔以目前常用之食品風險評估軟體,使學生能充分熟悉風險分析的執行方式,讓學生能掌握食品風險評估的重點。Let students understand how to conduct food risk assessment, including the four analysis steps of risk assessment, which are the hazardous substance appraisal, hazard characteristic description, exposure assessment and risk characteristics description. The biological, physical and chemical factors of influence; the description of the characteristics of the hazardous characteristics is a qualitative or quantitative assessment of factors that may cause adverse health effects, such as by dose-reaction evaluation, evaluate daily intravenous intake, daily capacity intake intake Or carcinogenic risk; exposure evaluation is the possible exposure of the harmful factors through food intake; the risk characteristic description is based on the results of the above steps to consolidate the estimated risk. In addition, this course uses actual cases as a example of teaching and discussions, and supplemented by the current commonly used food risk assessment software, enabling students to fully familiarize with the implementation of risk analysis, so that students can master the focus of food risk assessment.
風險評估與風險管理 許惠悰編著 新文京出版社
Risk assessment and risk management Xu Huizhen edited Xinwenjing Press
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時分數平時分數 Usual score |
30 | |
期中考期中考 Secondary entrance examination |
35 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
35 |