course information of 106 - 2 | 2398 Automation in Livestock Farming(畜牧自動化)

Taught In English2398 - 畜牧自動化 Automation in Livestock Farming

教育目標 Course Target

畜牧自動化係以資本與技術取代傳統勞力的畜牧生產模式,其目的在於降低畜牧生產成本、節省勞力、提高畜牧生產力與產品品質。本課程將著重於畜牧生產的自動化管理以及自動化實施的過程,內容涵蓋了畜禽飼養管理系統、畜禽餵飼自動化、畜產品收穫處理自動化以及畜產品管理自動化等。透過課程的教授,將可提高學生對於目前國內畜牧自動化研究、相關設備產業以及自動化資訊管理等有更深層的認識。課程同時配合指定文獻的閱讀與互動討論,以增進學生對畜牧自動化現況的了解以及未來運用。 The purpose of animal husbandry automation is an animal husbandry production model that replaces traditional power with capital and technology, with the purpose of reducing animal husbandry production costs, saving labor, and improving animal husbandry production capacity and product quality. This course will focus on the automated management and automatic implementation of animal husbandry production, covering livestock and poultry breeding management systems, livestock and poultry feeding, animal product harvesting and processing automation, and animal product management automation. Through the course, students can have a deeper understanding of the current domestic animal husbandry automation research, related equipment industry, and automatic information management. The course is also coordinated with the reading and interactive discussion of designated documents to enhance students' understanding of the current situation of animal husbandry automation and future use.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Myer Kutz. 2013. Handbook of Farm, Dairy and Food Machinery Engineering (Second Edition). Elsevier Inc.

2. Paul McNulty,Patrick M. Grace. 2009. Agricultural mechanization and automation. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS).

3. Shai Barbut. 2015. The Science of Poultry and Meat Processing. University of Guelph.

4. 中央畜產會。2013。新式生產禽舍標準作業手冊。

5. 行政院農業委員會。完全混合日糧(TMR)餵飼[錄影資料];牛乳收獲自動化;家畜廢水處理自動。2000。華視文化公司製作;農業機械研究發展中心監製。

6. 洪嘉謨、雷鵬魁。2002。豬糞尿淨化與資源化處理技術。環佑實業有限公司。

7. 盛中德、謝廣文。2013。畜禽舍智能型自動監控技術與系統商品化開發。行政院農業委員會。

8. 盛中德、蔡智宇、王豐政、謝禮丞、吳建平。2013。畜牧生產自動化。行政院農業委員會。

9. 李國華、賈玉祥。2017。科技化養牛。科學發展月刊。

10. 王思涵、李國華。2017。機器人擠乳日漸風行。科學發展月刊。

1. Myer Kutz. 2013. Handbook of Farm, Dairy and Food Machinery Engineering (Second Edition). Elsevier Inc.

2. Paul McNulty,Patrick M. Grace. 2009. Agricultural mechanization and automation. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS).

3. Shai Barbut. 2015. The Science of Poultry and Meat Processing. University of Guelph.

4. Central Animal Husbandry Association. 2013. New-style poultry production standard operation manual.

5. Executive Yuan Agricultural Committee. Completely mixed daily granulated (TMR) feeding [record data]; milk harvesting automation; livestock wastewater treatment automatic. 2000. Production by Huajian Culture Company; production by Agricultural Machinery Research and Development Center.

6. Hong Jialu and Lei Yukui. 2002. Pig urination and resource-based treatment technology.杨有中文公司 Co., Ltd.

7. Prosperous to the Germans and thank you for your broad articles. 2013. The intelligent automatic monitoring technology and system of livestock and poultry houses are commercially developed. Executive Yuan Agricultural Committee.

8. Sheng Zhongde, Cai Zhiyu, Wang Fengzheng, Xie Rongcheng, and Wu Jianping. 2013. Animal Husbandry Production Automatic. Executive Yuan Agricultural Committee.

9. Li Guohua and Ja Yuxiang. 2017. Scientific and technological cultivation. Scientific Development Monthly.

10. Wang Sihan and Li Guohua. 2017. The robot's breasts are growing and moving. Scientific Development Monthly.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
In the Hall Expression
10 隨堂考、出席狀況
Midterm exam
30 期中考
Final exam
30 期末考
Final report
30 期末口頭報告與討論

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[AG205]
授課教師 Teacher:蕭士翔
修課班級 Class:畜產系3,4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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