course information of 106 - 2 | 2385 Professional Communication in Animal Science-Management in(畜產專業溝通–生產製造與行銷管理)

Taught In English2385 - 畜產專業溝通–生產製造與行銷管理 Professional Communication in Animal Science-Management in

教育目標 Course Target

畜產與生物科技學系的修課內容包括畜牧生產、畜產加工與生技應用,是屬於應用科學的一個科系,既然是應用科學,學習內容除基礎學科之外,也包括技術性知識與技巧。這些過程從原料生產(乳、肉、蛋及副產品)、冷鏈、加工程序、包裝、檢驗標準化、倉儲、物流、行銷、上市上架及最後消費者回饋等,學生常發現學校所學之學識很難與現場的工作結合,學識無用武之地,主要的原因在於課程中畜牧生產實習與暑期實習的時間太短,實習規模太小,實習時間短企業無法用心培育,學生無法確定志向,無法全心投入等,再加上大量的工作現場的簡稱、術語等,學生措手不及,本課程的目標是由企業業師擔任講師,將相關企業中一般常見的情境,與緊急應變措施為教學的主軸,課程使用的語言包括英語、台語、客語、國語等,期許學生經過業師的授課訓練,可作為將來就課程迅速成為即戰力、生力軍,以完成企業橋接的準備。The courses in the Department of Animal and Biotechnology include animal husbandry, animal processing and biotechnology application. It is a department of application science. Since it is application science, the learning content includes technical knowledge and skills in addition to basic subjects. These processes, from raw material production (milk, meat, eggs and side products), cold links, processing procedures, packaging, inspection standards, storage, logistics, marketing, listing and final consumer return, students often find the learning learned in the school. It is difficult to combine with the current work, and learning is useless. The main reason is that the actual time of animal husbandry production and summer practice in the course is too short, the scale is too small, the time is short, the time is short, the company cannot cultivate it carefully, and students cannot determine their ambitions. The students are caught off guard by a large number of workplace simplicity, art, etc. The goal of this course is to be a lecturer, to arrange the situation commonly seen in related enterprises and to respond to urgent measures. As the main axes of teaching, the languages ​​used in the course include English, Taiwanese, Hakka, Chinese, etc. Students may pass the courses taught by teachers and can be used as preparations for quickly becoming an immediate force and a new force to complete the enterprise bridge reception.

參考書目 Reference Books

Annual Testing Institute Chinese Annual Report,
Annual Report of the Animal and Plant Epidemic Prevention and Epidemic Inspection Bureau,
Three treasures for farm management,
Six key points of material management,
The four key items of standardization,
Five essential items of production management.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Attendance and class performance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[AG204]
授課教師 Teacher:蕭士翔/謝長奇
修課班級 Class:畜產系1-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 71 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 71 人。

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