1. 使學生兼具傳統畜產與新興生物科技之學養。
2. 使學生獲得紮實之基礎課程訓練。
3. 使學生兼具理論與實作之素養。
4. 使學生具有寬廣視野、團隊合作的精神與專業倫理。
5. 教導學生重視生命及環保的態度家禽為台灣重要的畜牧產業,畜牧產值僅次於豬。世界的家禽事業蓬勃發展,在台灣的家禽畜產品已佔生產總值重要地位,僅次於豬,並有迎頭趕上之趨勢。在課程進度循序介紹各種家禽,讓學生對家禽學能基本之認識,包括雞、鴨、鵝、火雞、鴕鳥及其他禽類,例如:鵪鶉、綠頭野鴨、珠雞之飼養管理等知識傳授、市場之發展、營養需求、加工利用與疾病之介紹。1. Enable students to learn both traditional animal and new biotechnology.
2. Enable students to obtain practical basic course training.
3. Make students develop both theoretical and practical principles.
4. Enable students to have a broad vision, teamwork spirit and professional ethics.
5. Teach students the attitude of paying attention to life and environmental protection. Poultry is an important animal husbandry industry in Taiwan, and its animal husbandry value is only as high as that of pigs. The world's poultry industry is booming, and poultry and livestock products in Taiwan have already occupied an important position in the gross production value, only in pigs, and have a trend of facing the trend. The course progress introduces various poultry in sequence, allowing students to have a basic understanding of poultry learning ability, including chickens, ducks, squids, squids, ducks and other avian types, such as: squids, green wild ducks, and beaded chicken breeding management, market development, nutritional needs, processing and utilization, and disease introduction.
North, M. O., and D. D. Bell, 1990. Commercial Chicken Production Manual, Fourth Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. USA.
Chen Yinghao, 1997. Poultry Discourse Essence - Duck. Department of Animal Science, Donghai University, Taichung.
Chen Yinghao, 2001. Poultry teaching essence—chicken, turtle and turtle. Department of Animal Science, Donghai University, Taichung.
Ma Chunxiang, 1980. Poultry, National Translation, Taipei.
North, M. O., and D. D. Bell, 1990. Commercial Chicken Production Manual, Fourth Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. USA.
Other books and journals (omitted)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常平常 usually |
30 | 出席率、隨堂考、報告、作業 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
35 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
35 |