4.透過實例的參訪及分享,拓展對社區的想像與視野。1. Understand the characteristics of social workers as organizers and the tasks and actions of social workers in the community.
2. Understand the role of community organizations in society through the perspective of common problems.
3. Through the values and orientation of community development, cultivate future grass -roots organization leaders.
4. Through the visits and sharing of the example, expand their imagination and vision for the community.
Given the land where common lives, community work has become one of the three major working methods of social workers. This course will start from the historical context of community organizations and community development in various countries, and enter the basic concept of community work; then, through the actual community organization visits and basic investigations of the community, they will refer to the important theoretical and practical issues of various community work and learn from each other. The important method of working in community work is to develop the basic ability of community workers as the goal of learning.
陶蕃瀛 譯(1996)。組織結社─基層組織領導者手冊(Si Kahn著)。台北:心理。
張敏如 譯(2000)。沙發上的說話克(理查˙史東著)。台北:經典傳訊。
Translation of Tao Fan Yan (1996). Organizational association -Grassroots Organizational Leadership Manual (Si Kahn). Taipei: Psychology.
Zhang Minru translated (2000). Speaking on the sofa (Richard Shidong). Taipei: Classic Communication.
Le Shi (2004). It's not the Bulin-community economic theory and practice. Hong Kong: Le Shi.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出習與參與出習與參與 Examination and participation |
25 | |
小組報告小組報告 Group report |
25 | |
期中考期中考 Secondary entrance examination |
25 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 |