course information of 106 - 2 | 2237 Social Statistics(社會統計)

Taught In English2237 - 社會統計 Social Statistics

教育目標 Course Target

「社會統計」這一門課主要在訓練社會工作系的學生瞭解有關統計的一些基本概念、原理以及各種統計方法的程序和運算,且將此一理解應用在實務工作中的資料整理和研究方面。因此本課程所著重的是統計方法的選擇與運用,而以邏輯運算為輔,並以實際的社會事實、社會工作實務為範例,予以分析討論、解釋數據、說明結果。社會工作者在當前的社會中必須要會使用具體、明確、可觀察和測量的數據資料,方能說服他人、據實力爭。因此藉由本課程的學習來訓練學生邏輯分析、閱讀研究報告的能力,進而培育以實力為取向的實務工作者為終極之目的。本課程為社會工作學系二年級學生必修課程之一。 現代生活離不開數字。現代的政府決策,更無法脫離數字管理。統計學,就是一門幫助決策者運用數字管理的最佳工具。本課程之目的,在運用簡單的生活觀念,將統計學的基本技巧,運用於日常生活中可能面臨的決策關鍵,期望能以輕鬆簡單的方式,將數字管理的觀念傳輸給同學。The "Social Statistics" course mainly focuses on students who train social work departments to understand some basic concepts, principles, procedures and calculations of various statistical methods, and apply this understanding to data sorting and research in practical work. Therefore, this course focuses on the selection and application of statistical methods, and uses logical calculation as the basis, and uses actual social facts and social work practices as examples to analyze and discuss, explain data, and explain the results. Social workers must use specific, clear, observable and measured data in the current society in order to convince others and compete with each other. Therefore, through the learning of this course, students' ability to edit and analyze, read research reports, and cultivate practical workers with strength-oriented orientation for the ultimate goal. This course is one of the compulsory courses for second-year students in the Department of Social Work. Modern life is inseparable from numbers. Modern government decisions cannot be separated from digital management. Statistical studies are the best tools to help decision makers use digital management. The purpose of this course is to use simple life concepts, to apply the basic skills of the study and key decisions that may be faced in daily life, and to convey the concepts of digital management to students in a relaxed and simple way.

參考書目 Reference Books

Statistics For Business and Economics,Anderson、Sweeney、Williams。滄海書局代理。國內有中譯本。
Statistics For Business and Economics, Anderson, Sweeney, Williams. Agent from the Heihai Bookstore. There are Chinese translations in China.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Small exam
Midterm exam
Final exam
Classroom bonus points

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-2145 Social Statistics / 社會統計學 (社會系2A,授課教師:陳正慧,三/2[SS102] 二/9[SS203] 一/1,2[ST021])
必修-2147 Social Statistics / 社會統計學 (社會系2B,授課教師:陳正慧,三/1[SS102] 二/9[SS206] 一/3,4[ST023])
必修-2244 Social Statistics / 社會統計 (社工系2B,授課教師:呂朝賢,二/6,7[SS102])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[SS324]
授課教師 Teacher:魯俊孟
修課班級 Class:社工系2A
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 66 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 66 人。

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