讓學生了解資訊科技如何影響大環境和組織,還有各種不同資訊科技在企業間的最新應用,並適時介紹資訊科技所引發的管理新思潮叢書。本課程亦會搭配多則的企業實例影片,讓學生深刻體會各行各業營運上面臨的問題以及如何運用資訊科技幫助克服此問題,並結合大量新聞剪報讓課本內容可以對應到日常生活,使同學深刻體認與自己息息相關,而非只是抽象的概念,進而提升應用的能力。亦會示範大部分課本所介紹的各種資訊系統,並安排上機體驗企業資源規劃、決策支援系統軟體與供應鏈管理模擬軟體,讓同學可以從做中學、增進對這些新應用的了解。Let students understand how information technology affects large environments and organizations, as well as the latest applications of various information technologies in enterprises, and provide appropriate introduction to new management ideas induced by information technology. This course will also be accompanied by a variety of corporate example videos, allowing students to deeply understand the problems encountered by various industries and how to use information technology to help overcome this problem. It also combines a large number of news reports to allow the content of the course to be adapted to daily life, so that students can deeply understand that it is closely related to themselves, rather than just abstract concepts, thereby improving their application capabilities. It will also show the various information systems introduced by most of the courses, and arrange to experience the enterprise resource planning, decision-making support system software and supply chain management simulation software, so that students can learn from the work and increase their understanding of these new applications.
Information management is a dynamic and changing field. In this course we study how computer hardware, software, and networks are combined with personnel to build efficient and effective strategic information systems for business and professional organizations, with strategic aspects emphasized.
Information management is a dynamic and changing field. In this course we study how computer hardware, software, and networks are combined with personnel to build efficient and effective strategic information systems for business and professional organizations, with strategic aspects emphasized.
(1).資訊管理-e化企業的核心競爭能力,林東清 編著,第六版,智勝文化
(1). Information Management - the core competitive ability of e-competitive enterprises, edited by Lin Dongqing, 6th edition, Intelligent Culture
(2).Company case video
(3). Additional textbooks for extracurricular Chinese and English courses
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | 以名詞解釋,問答題為主 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
40 | 以名詞解釋,問答題為主 |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
20 | 出席率、上課表現 |
作業作業 Action |
10 | 實際應用Expert Choice 11.5支援個人決策(如生涯規劃) |