course information of 106 - 2 | 1939 Risk Management(風險管理)

Taught In English1939 - 風險管理 Risk Management

教育目標 Course Target

本課程目標: 使學員了解風險及各種可能的管理策略與方法,從而學會運用風險管理,以確保個人家庭及企業認識風險,評估風險,採用適當風險控制與風險理財的對策,以保障吾人經濟生活與企業經營之安全。 本課程內涵: 風險與社會,風險與風險管理概論,針對財產,人員與法律責任風險之分析與管理。並介紹大企業如何使用自己保險或專屬保險達成風險管理的目的。Targets of this course: Enable students to understand risks and various possible management strategies and methods, and learn to use risk management to ensure personal family and enterprise recognition, evaluate risks, and adopt appropriate risk control and risk management measures to ensure the safety of our economic life and enterprise operations. The meaning of this course: Overview of risk and society, risk and risk management, analysis and management of property, personnel and legal responsibility risks. And introduce how large enterprises can use their own insurance or exclusive insurance to achieve the purpose of risk management.

課程概述 Course Description

風險管理概論是一門社會管理科學。因人類社會的經濟生活,時時伴隨著風險,而造成各種經濟及非經濟的損失,故有對風險了解並加以管理之必要。保險,則是各種風險管理措施中最重要的一種工具,故在瞭解保險之前,則須先研究風險管理。 風險管理之教學,在於藉由「風險評估」後,再施以風險管理的二大策略,「風險控制」及「風險理財」措施的相互搭配應用及保險的方法,來管理人身、財產及責任等的各種風險,以達到個人、家庭、企業或政府機構風險安排及財務安全規劃之目的。
Risk Management Overview is a social management science. Because the economic life of human society is always accompanied by risks, various economic and non-economic losses are caused, so it is necessary to understand and manage risks. Insurance is the most important tool among various risk management measures, so before understanding insurance, you must first study risk management. The teaching of risk management uses the two major strategies of risk management, "risk control" and "risk management" measures to implement the mutual application and insurance methods of "risk control" and "risk management" measures, to manage various risks in person, property, and responsibility, so as to achieve the purpose of risk arrangements and financial safety planning in individuals, families, enterprises or government agencies.

參考書目 Reference Books

保險理論與實務,凌氤寶等著,華泰文化公司出版,2017 9版。
Risk Financing and Risk Assessment,2008,AICPCU。(Self insurance and Captive)
Insurance Discussion and Practice, Ling Mengbao, Published by Huatai Culture Company, 2017 9th edition.
Risk Financing and Risk Assessment, 2008, AICPCU. (Self insurance and Captive)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
30 範圍1-5章
Regular exam and absence participation degree
30 主要基礎成績是平時考試,並參考出缺席狀況。範圍6-7章。
Final exam
40 範圍Risk financing 三章: 損失預估,自己保險與專屬保險人。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/7,8,9[SS202]
授課教師 Teacher:陳森松
修課班級 Class:經濟系2-4
選課備註 Memo:共同選修,不辦理老師簽名選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 42 人。

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