course information of 106 - 2 | 0309 Comprehensive Japanese (I) A(綜合日語(一)A)

Taught In English0309 - 綜合日語(一)A Comprehensive Japanese (I) A

教育目標 Course Target

讓學生透過課前自學(句型構造)、課堂練習/解惑、課後複習小考等方式,全方位打好初級日語句子讀寫基礎能力。且配合《大家的日本語》進階之讀本篇之文章,培養文章的文法結構能力。 Allow students to develop basic basic skills in reading and writing Japanese sentences in all aspects through pre-class self-study (sentence structure), class practice/solving questions, and post-class replication of small exams. In addition, we will cooperate with the advanced reading of this article in "Everyone's Japanese" to cultivate the grammatical structure of the article.

課程概述 Course Description

Through explanations and requiring students to learn independently, they will lay the basic ability to learn concepts such as birthday language, syntax, sentence patterns, and short essay reading. Use class practice and unified reviews to strengthen their memory and operating capabilities. Start a machine for students to learn Japanese self-discipline.

參考書目 Reference Books

『大家的日本語 讀本篇 初級』
『大家的日本語 讀本篇 進階』
『大家的日本語初級Ⅰ、Ⅱ 句型練習冊』
『大家的日本語進階Ⅰ、Ⅱ 句型練習冊』
『Elementary Japanese Ⅰ, Ⅱ』
『Our Japanese AdvancedⅠ, Ⅱ』
『Your Japanese Read this article Elementary』
『Your Japanese Read this article Advanced』
『Our Japanese Elementary Ⅰ and Ⅱ Sentence Pattern Training Registration』
『Our Japanese Advanced Ⅰ and Ⅱ Sentence Pattern Training Registration』

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Normal performance
40 含小考、作業、出席率等。
Midterm exam
30 兩次(各15%)
Final exam
30 兩次(各15%)

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0301 Comprehensive Japanese (I) A / 綜合日語(一)A (日文系1,授課教師:林珠雪,二/6,7[H208] 四/3,4[H209])
必修-0302 Comprehensive Japanese (I) A / 綜合日語(一)A (日文系1,授課教師:緒方智幸,一/3,4,三/3,4[H208])
必修-0308 Comprehensive Japanese (I) A / 綜合日語(一)A (日文系1,授課教師:林嘉惠,四/1,2[C108] 二/6,7[HT101])

Course Information


學分 Credit:4-4
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8[C205] Monday/3,4[H209]
授課教師 Teacher:張瑜珊
修課班級 Class:日文系1
選課備註 Memo:依分班上課(2組)。未修畢綜日(一)A,無法續修綜日(二)A。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 28 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 28 人。

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