course information of 106 - 2 | 0020 History of Chinese Literature(中國文學史)

Taught In English0020 - 中國文學史 History of Chinese Literature

教育目標 Course Target

本課程著重歷代文學史重要論題講授及討論,按朝代、分文體列出重要的論題,透過閱讀文學史相關原典資料、賞析經典文學作品以掌握文學史觀以及文學現象兩大面向,以期了解每個時代文學如何在歷史脈絡中傳承與開展。一方面使同學具備中國文學史的基本知識,一方面訓練同學賞析文本及詮釋文學史的能力。 本課程擬按時代先後,依詩歌、散文、辭賦、小說、戲劇等類別排序,以閱讀文獻的方式講授並討論歷代文學發展演變情形,並融入該時代各種文學現象的互動交流,以及重要作家、作品之介紹。上學期預計講授到盛唐詩,下學期預計講授到明清戲曲。 原則上本課程採取傳統的上課方式,由教師基本講授,使用自編講義為主、必讀書目為輔。並引導學生思考、討論文學史之重要論題,訓練學生閱讀文本、賞析作品、討論思辯之能力。視學生學習狀況調整課程內容進度,並安排課程活動以活潑教學。 This course focuses on teaching and discussion on important topics about the history of modern literature, listing important topics according to dynasty and subdivisions. Through reading original classic data related to literary history and analyzing classic literature works, we can master the historical view and literary phenomena, in order to understand how each era of literature inherits and develops in the historical context. On the one hand, it enables students to have basic knowledge of Chinese literature history, and on the other hand, it trains students' ability to analyze texts and comment on literary history. This course is sorted by the times, in accordance with poems, prose, writing, novels, dramas and other categories, and is taught and discussed the development and evolution of the literary world in the past, and is integrated into the interactive communication of various literary phenomena in that era, as well as introductions of important writers and works. In the first period, we planned to teach the poems of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and in the next period, we planned to teach the poems of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The principle is that this course adopts a traditional course preparation method, which is taught by the teacher, and is mainly written by self-edited lectures and must-read books. It also guides students to think and discuss important topics in literary history, and trains students' ability to read texts, analyze works, and discuss ideas. Adjust the progress of course content based on students' learning status and arrange course activities to teach actively.

參考書目 Reference Books


Liu Dajie wrote "History of the Development of Chinese Literature", published by the China Book Bureau in 1941 and released by the first edition in 1949; Taipei, Hanjing Cultural Affairs Company, 1992
"History of Chinese Literature" by Ye Qingbing, Taipei, Taiwan Student Book Bureau, 1987
Editor of Yuan Xingpei: "History of Chinese Literature", Taipei, Wunan Book Company, 2003

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
50 包含出席率、上課態度、兩次小考成績、平時作業
Midterm exam
Final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0017 History of Chinese Literature / 中國文學史 (中文系2A,授課教師:林香伶,三/2,3,4[H307])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[H306]
授課教師 Teacher:李佳蓮
修課班級 Class:中文系2B
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 69 人。

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