course information of 106 - 2 | 0017 History of Chinese Literature(中國文學史)

Taught In English0017 - 中國文學史 History of Chinese Literature

教育目標 Course Target

(一)建構基礎文學史觀。 (二)掌握中國文學發展脈動。 (三)尋索文學閱讀興味。 (四)奠定文學研究基礎。(1) Constructing basic literature history. (2) Master the development movements of Chinese literature. (III) Search for the excitement of literature reading. (IV) Lay the foundation for literature research.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 章培恒/駱玉明《中國文學史》上海:復旦大學出版社1996三冊
2. 郭預衡《中國古代文學史長編》首都師範大學出版社1996
3. 前野直彬等《中國文學史》駱玉明等譯,上海:上海古籍出版社一冊1995
4. 北京人民出版社《百卷本中國史 中國文學史》1994
5. 錢基博《中國文學史》北京:中華書局1993
6. 中國社會科學院中國文學史編寫史組《中國文學史》北京:人民出版社1992
7. 馬積高主編《中國古代文學史》湖南:文藝出版社1992
8. 袁行霈/褚杰斌《中國文學史》臺北:曉園出版社1991
9. 鄭振鐸《插圖本中國文學史》臺北:莊嚴出版社、宏業出版社 1991
10. 中國文學史研究委員會《新編中國文學史》中國文學史研究委員會,高雄:復文書局 四冊1991
11. 王文生主編《中國文學史》北京:高等教育出版社二冊1989
12. 中國大百科編委會《中國大百科全書 中國文學》中國大百科全書出版社1988
13. 葉慶炳《中國文學史》臺北:學生書局1986
14. 羅聯添《中國文學史論文選集》學生書局1986
15. 王忠林/黃錦鋐等《中國文學史》臺北:福記出版社1985
16. 王忠林《增訂中國文學史初稿》台北:福記文化圖書公司1985
17. 中華文化復興運動推行委員會《中國文學講話》巨流1982
18. 游國恩/蕭滌非等《中國文學史》北京:人民文學出版社1978
19. 劉大杰《中國文學發展史》中華書局1977
20. 游國恩《中國文學史》北京:人民文學出版社1964
21. 北京大學《中國文學史參考資料》北京:中華書局1990
22. 北京大學中文系古代文學教研室選編《中國文學史參考資料簡編》北京:北京大學出版社1988二冊
23. 吉平平、黃曉靜《中國文學史著版本概覽》瀋陽:遼寧大學出版社1992.6
24. 陳玉堂《中國文學史書目提要》大陸黃山書社1986
25. 青霜增補〈中國文學史書目新編〉見《書評書目》期1976.8-12
26. 梁容若、黃得時三訂〈中國文學史書目輯錄〉見《文壇》87期1967.9
27. 龔鵬程《中國文學史》台北:里仁書局,2012年。
28. 袁行霈《中國文學史》臺北:五南圖書公司出版社2003

1. 趙明主編《先秦大文學史》長春:吉林大學出版社1993
2. 劉持生《先秦文學史稿》西安:西北大學出版社1991
3. 徐北文《先秦文學史》濟南:齊魯書社1981
4. 王瑤《中古文學史論集》上海:上海古籍出版社1982
5. 劉師培《中國中古文學史》北京:人民文學出版社1962
6. 胡國瑞《魏晉南北朝文學史》上海:上海文藝出版社1980
7. 李從軍《唐代文學演變史》北京:人民文學出版社1993
8. 王士菁《唐代文學史略》長沙:湖南師範大學出版社1992
9. 程千帆/吳新雷《兩宋文學史》上海:上海古籍出版社1991
10. 吳組緗/沈天佑《宋元文學史稿》北京大學出版社1989
11. 趙仁珪《中國古代文學史長編.宋遼金卷》北京師範大學出版社1993
12. 詹杭倫《金代文學史》臺北:貫雅出版社1993
13. 鄧紹基主編《元代文學史》北京:人民文學出版社1991
14. 吳志達《明清文學史.明代卷》武漢大學出版社1991
15. 唐富齡《明清文學史.清代卷》武漢大學出版社1991
16. 中華文化復興運動推行委員會/國文文藝基金管理委會《中國文學講話》台北:巨流圖書公司1988十冊
History of Chinese Literature
1. Zhang Peiheng/Gui Yuming's "History of Chinese Literature" Shanghai: Yudan University Press 1996 Three Literature
2. Guo Youheng's "Editor of the Historian of Ancient Literature in China" Capital Teachers University Press 1996
3. Translation of "History of Chinese Literature" by Naobi Maeno and others, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House 1995
4. Beijing People's Publishing House "Hundred Volumes of Chinese History, History of Chinese Literature" 1994
5. Money Kibo's "History of Chinese Literature" Beijing: China Book Bureau 1993
6. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Chinese Literature History Editorial Group "History of Chinese Literature" Beijing: People's Publishing House 1992
7. "History of Ancient Chinese Literature" by Ma Zhaogao, Hunan: Literature Publishing House 1992
8. Yuan Xingpei/Chu Jiebin "History of Chinese Literature" Taipei: Xiaoyuan Publishing House 1991
9. Zheng Zhenru's "Illustrated Chinese Literature History" Taipei: Zhuang Shou Publishing House, Hongshi Publishing House 1991
10. Chinese Literary History Research Committee "New Editing of Chinese Literary History" Chinese Literary History Research Committee, Kaohsiung: Revival and Book Bureau Four Books 1991
11. Wang Wensheng compiled "History of Chinese Literature" Beijing: Second Literature Publishing House 1989
12. "China Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Chinese Literature" China Encyclopedia Publishing House 1988
13. Ye Qingbing's "History of Chinese Literature" Taipei: Student Book Bureau 1986
14. Luo Tongtong Student Book Bureau 1986
15. Wang Zhonglin/Huang Qing et al. "History of Chinese Literature" Taipei: Fu Zuo Publishing House 1985
16. Wang Zhonglin's "Additional Draft of the History of Chinese Literature" Taipei: Fuzhao Culture Book Company 1985
17. The "Chinese Literature Lecture" of the Chinese Cultural Rejuvenation Sports Promotion Committee 1982
18. You Guoen/Xi Feifei et al. "History of Chinese Literature" Beijing: People's Literature Publishing House 1978
19. Liu Dajie's "History of the Development of Chinese Literature" China Book Bureau 1977
20. You Guoen's "History of Chinese Literature" Beijing: People's Literature Publishing House 1964
21. Beijing University "References on the History of Chinese Literature" Beijing: China Book Bureau 1990
22. "Simplified Chinese Literature History Reference Materials" selected by the Ancient Literature Teaching and Research Department of the Chinese Department of Beijing University Beijing: Beijing University Press 1988 Second Book
23. Ji Pingping and Huang Xiaojing's "An Overview of the Versions of Chinese Literature History": Gaoning University Press 1992.6
24. Chen Yutang's "Abstract of Chinese Literature History Books" Mainland Huangshan Book Club 1986
25. Qingshuangzengpeng's "New Encoding of the Chinese Literature History Book" See "Catalogue of Reviews" Issue
26. Liang Rongruo and Huang Deshi wrote three books on "Chinese Literature History Books" and see "Wenfu" Issue 87, 1967.9
27. "History of Chinese Literature" by Huang Cheng, Taipei: Liren Book Bureau, 2012.
28. Yuan Xingpei's "History of Chinese Literature" Taipei: Wunan Book Company Press 2003

History of the Chinese Literature
1. Zhao Ming edited "History of Literature in Pre-Qin University" Changchun: Jilin University Press 1993
2. Liu Chisheng's "Draft of History of Pre-Qin Literature" Xi'an: Northwest University Press 1991
3. Xu Beiwen's "History of Pre-Qin Literature" Jinan: Qilu Bookstore 1981
4. Wang Hui's "Collected History of Middle Literature" Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House 1982
5. Liu Teacher Pei's "History of Chinese Middle Literature" Beijing: People's Literature Publishing House 1962
6. Hu Guorui's "History of Literature in Wei, Southern and Northern Dynasties" Shanghai: Shanghai Literature Publishing House 1980
7. Li Zijun's "History of the Literature of the Tang Dynasty" Beijing: People's Literature Publishing House 1993
8. Wang Shijing's "A Brief History of Literature in the Tang Dynasty" Changsha: Hunan Teachers University Press 1992
9. Cheng Qianfan/Wu Xinlei "History of Literature of the Two Songs" Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House 1991
10. Wu Group/Shen Tianyou's "Draft History of the Song and Yuan Literature" Beijing University Press 1989
11. Zhao Rengui's "Editor of the Historian of Ancient Chinese Literature. Song Jin Volume" Beijing Teachers University Press 1993
12. Zhan Hanglun's "History of Literature in the Jin Dynasty" Taipei: Fengya Publishing House 1993
13. "History of Literature in the Yuan Dynasty" by Dunn Shouji Beijing: People's Literature Publishing House 1991
14. Wu Zhida's "History of Literature in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Volume of Ming Dynasty" Wuhan University Press 1991
15. Tang Fuqi's "History of Literature in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Volume of Qing Dynasty" Wuhan University Press 1991
16. China Cultural Rejuvenation Sports Implementation Committee/National Cultural and Arts Foundation Management Committee "Chinese Literature Talk" Taipei: Juliu Book Company 1988 Ten Books

評分方式 Grading

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Midterm exam
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[H307]
授課教師 Teacher:林香伶
修課班級 Class:中文系2A
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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