course information of 106 - 2 | 0013 Introduction to Literature(文學概論)

Taught In English0013 - 文學概論 Introduction to Literature

教育目標 Course Target

「文學概論」作為所有中文系學生進入文學世界的必修入門課,自然有著一種敲磚石的意義:希望透過這樣的一門課程,讓同學們初步理解什麼是文學,以及除了做一個純粹的愉快讀者之外,我們還有什麼其他方法得以洞察藏在各個文本中細微又豐富的密碼。 讓同學理解「文學是什麼」---這樣一個寬泛的教學目標其實是不容易達成的。其中的困難包括:如果文學是一門大學問,我們又如何可能透過「概論」的方式將它說清楚?至於從娛樂性的閱讀轉往嚴肅性的閱讀,會不會反而破壞了我們當初喜歡文學的單純熱情? 事實上,「文學是什麼」應該是中文系同學進入到這個系之後,最先對自己提出的一個問題;而你將透過未來的四年,甚至是一輩子來回答這個提問:文學是什麼,文學之於你「自己」的意義又是什麼。唯有閱讀了更多更多的作品,同時積累更多的人生經驗,你才可能慢慢地對於這個問題有一點兒屬於自己的想法;也可能隨著你生命經歷的變化,視野的改變,每個人生階段你回答這個問題的方式都不盡相同。而這個持續不斷的探索、思考的過程,就像是在文學世界裡經驗著一場又一場的華麗冒險。而此刻,旅行即將開始。本學期的課程將延續上學期的規劃與安排,依舊以文學作品的閱讀為主,並同時帶入與文本相關文學理論與文學史背景的分析及介紹。 這學期我們要一起閱讀的文本類型是現代小說與戲劇;相對於詩歌而言,小說與戲劇承載的文學技巧與主題內涵、時代意義是更為豐富的,這同時也是許多同學鍾愛的文本類型。也因此我們期待在這學期的課堂裡,能夠有更多精彩而熱烈的討論火花,持續點燃著同學們關於文學的熱情。 文學概論課程來到下學期,依舊想要提醒同學的是,在大學中文系的四年裡,我們除了要學習慢慢成為一位專業的讀者,但在此之前,你必須先是/永遠是一個享受閱讀的讀者。所有的理論與知識,莫不只是希望引領著我們更能夠理解與領會潛藏在文學作品中不同層次的深刻內涵,同時一次又一次地實踐著美好的閱讀過程,並且讓它在我們的生命裡激發出不同的靈光。如同羅馬時代的西賽羅所說的: 「我們應當一道在文學追求中度過我們的生命。文字曾是我們的消遣;而如今,它是我們的避風港。」 (Marcus Tullius Cicero, January 3, 106 BC – December 7, 43 BC)"Literature Overview" As a compulsory course for all Chinese students to enter the world of literature, it naturally has a tiled stone meaning: I hope that through this course, students can understand what literature is, and other ways we can see the detailed and rich passwords hidden in various texts besides being a pure and pleasant reader. Let students understand "what is literature"--this broad teaching goal is actually not easy to achieve. The difficulties include: If literature is a university, how can we explain it clearly through the "overview" method? As for moving from entertainment reading to strict reading, will it destroy the pure enthusiasm we had when we first like literature? In fact, "What is literature" should be a question raised by Chinese students after entering this department; and you will answer this question through the next four years, or even a few years: What is literature and what does literature mean to you "self". Only by reading more and more works and experiencing more life experiences can you slowly have a little bit of your own thoughts about this problem; it may also be different in your answer to this question in every stage of your life as you change your life and change your vision. And this continuous process of exploration and thinking is like experiencing one scene after another in the literary world. And at this moment, the trip is about to begin. The courses during this period will continue to be planned and arranged during the previous period, and will focus on reading literary works, and will also include analysis and introduction of literary theory and literary history background related to the text. The types of texts we want to read together during this period are modern novels and dramas; compared with poems, the literary skills, theme connotation and contemporary meanings of novels and dramas are more abundant, and this is also a type of text that many classmates love. Therefore, we look forward to more exciting and intense discussion sparks in this class, which continues to ignite the enthusiasm of our classmates about literature. The literature overview course comes to the next period. I want to remind my classmates that during the four years of studying in the Chinese department of university, in addition to learning to gradually become a professional reader, but before that, you must first/always be a reader who enjoys reading. All theories and knowledge are not only hoped to lead us to better understand and guide the profound connotations that we can hide at different levels in literary works, but also to realize the beautiful reading process time and time again, and to inspire different spirits in our lives. As Sitharo of the Roman era said: "We should be a way to spend our lives in the pursuit of literature. Words were our pastimes; but now, it is our shelter." (Marcus Tullius Cicero, January 3, 106 BC – December 7, 43 BC)

參考書目 Reference Books

Teacher's self-editor

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[H306]
授課教師 Teacher:高禎臨
修課班級 Class:中文系1A
選課備註 Memo:1F
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 76 人。

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