本課程主要目的在介紹具有涉外因素的民事事件中,如何決定國際裁判管轄權,如何選擇適當的準據法以及內國法院如何承認及執行外國法院之判決。期使同學明瞭各國現行國際私法之體系、原理原則,並訓練同學國際私法方面之法律思考能力。The main purpose of this course is to introduce how to determine international judicial jurisdiction in civil matters with foreign elements, how to choose the appropriate governing law, and how domestic courts recognize and enforce foreign court judgments. The aim is to enable students to understand the current system and principles of private international law in various countries, and to train students' legal thinking ability in private international law.
This course introduces the solutions to foreign-related civil issues. In addition to discussing China's solutions to foreign-related civil issues, it also studies the solutions to foreign-related issues in other countries.
1. Chen Longxiu, "Comparative Private International Law", Taipei, Wunan Book Company, October 1978, first edition.
2. Chen Longxiu, "New Theory of American Private International Law", Taipei, Wunan Book Company, January 1976, first edition.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
30 | 出席率、上課參與度 |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 final exam |
40 |