2.教導學生操作景觀規劃設計案1. Teach students the relevant theories and cases of important landscape planning design
2. Teach students to operate landscape planning design plans
ㄧ、景觀視覺 理論
2.Lynch, Kevin. (1960). The Image of the City. MIT press.
二、觀光與遊憩資源發展 規劃/設計
2. 鍾温凊、曾秉希 ,(2013),觀光學概論,台北:華立圖書 。
3. 鍾温凊、曾秉希 ,(2010),觀光與休閒遊憩資源規劃,台北:華立圖書
4. 鍾温凊、曾秉希 ,(2014),活動企劃與設計,台北;華立圖書
5. 李英弘、李昌勳譯(Var, Turgut, & Gunn, Claire A.原著),觀光規劃-基本原理、概念及案例(Tourism Planning
-Basics, Concepts, Cases, 3rd. ed.),台北:田園城市。
6. 李麗雪譯,(2011),景觀設計-原理與應用, 台北,六和出版社。
7. 北京大學設計學研究院景觀設計學院, (2011, No. 4), LA 景觀設計學, 中國林業出版社.
8. John F. Benson and Maggie Roe, Landscape and Sustainability, (2007), Routledge, London and New
9. Ann Marie VanDerZanden, Steven N. Rodie, Landscape Design Theory and Application, (2008) ,Cengage
Learning, Singapore
10. Seymour M. Gold, (1980), Recreation Planning and Design. McGraw-Hill Book company.
三、景觀與生態工程 規劃/設計
11. 張效通譯, (2011), 敷地計畫與設計手冊, 六合出版社.
12. 蔡靜嫻,周文傑,葉慈青,(2010),綠工作坊手冊-環境策略的圖解設計,六合出版社
13. 吳樹陸譯,敷地工程,(2008),六合出版社
14. 行政院公共工程委員會, (2004), 生態工法案例編選集,行政院公共工程委員會
15. 陳淑珍譯,(2005),生態工程與生態系統重建,六合出版社
16. alison G. Kwok, Walter T. Grondzik, (2010), The Green Studio Handbook, Elsevier Inc.
17. Clarles W. Harris & Nicholas T. Dines, (1994), Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture,
McGraw-Hill Book company.
18. Thomas H. Russ, (2011), Site Planning and Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book company.
19. Steven Strom , Kurt Nathan, Jake Woland, Site Engineering for Landscape Architects (2008), John
Wiely & Sons, Inc.
20. Dramstad, Wenche, Olson, James D., & Forman, Richard T. T. (1996). Landscape Ecology Principles
Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning(景觀建築及土地使用計畫之景觀生態原則). Island Press.
21. Forman, Richard T. T., & Gorden, Michel. (1986). Landscape Ecology. Wiley.‧
22,Willam J. Mitsch and Sven Erik Jorgensen, (2004), Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem
Restoration, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
23. George E. Fogg, (1975),Park Planning Guidelines, National Recreation and Park association.
ㄧ, landscape view theory
1. Cao Zheng, (2007), Visual Landscape Theory, Taipei: Intelligent Cultural Affairs.
2.Lynch, Kevin. (1960). The Image of the City. MIT press.
2. Development of tourism and leisure resources Planning/design
2. Long Wen-Yi, Zeng Bingxi, (2013), Overview of Optics, Taipei: Hualien Book.
3. Long Wen-Yi, Zeng Bingxi, (2010), Tourism and Leisure Resource Planning, Taipei: Hualien Book
4. Long Wen Yan, Zeng Bingxi, (2014), Event Plans and Design, Taipei; Hualien Book
5. Lee Young-hong and Lee Chang-hyun (Var, Turgut, & Gunn, Claire A. Original), View Planning - Basic Principles, Concepts and Case (Tourism Planning
-Basics, Concepts, Cases, 3rd. ed.), Taipei: Aquarium City.
6. Li Lixue, (2011), Landscape Design-Principles and Applications, Taipei, Liuhe Publishing House.
7. School of Landscape Design, Peking University Design Institute, (2011, No. 4), LA Landscape Design, China Forestry Press.
8. John F. Benson and Maggie Roe, Landscape and Sustainability, (2007), Routledge, London and New
9. Ann Marie VanDerZanden, Steven N. Rodie, Landscape Design Theory and Application, (2008) ,Cengage
Learning, Singapore
10. Seymour M. Gold, (1980), Recreation Planning and Design. McGraw-Hill Book company.
3. Landscape and Ecological Engineering Planning/Design
11. Zhang Xiaotong, (2011), Fu Di Planning and Design Manual, Liuhe Publishing House.
12. Cai Jing'an, Zhou Wenjie, Ye Ciqing, (2010), Green Workshop Manual-Illustration Design of Environmental Strategy, Liuhe Publishing House
13. Wuteng Translation, Land Repair Project, (2008), Liuhe Publishing House
14. Executive Yuan Public Works Committee, (2004), Ecological Works Act case selection, Executive Yuan Public Works Committee
15. Chen Shuzhen translated, (2005), Ecological Engineering and Ecological System Reconstruction, Liuhe Publishing House
16. alison G. Kwok, Walter T. Grondzik, (2010), The Green Studio Handbook, Elsevier Inc.
17. Clarles W. Harris & Nicholas T. Dines, (1994), Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture,
McGraw-Hill Book company.
18. Thomas H. Russ, (2011), Site Planning and Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book company.
19. Steven Strom , Kurt Nathan, Jake Wland, Site Engineering for Landscape Architects (2008), John
Wiely & Sons, Inc.
20. Dramstad, Wenche, Olson, James D., & Forman, Richard T. T. (1996). Landscape Ecology Principles
Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning. Island Press.
21. Forman, Richard T. T., & Gorden, Michel. (1986). Landscape Ecology. Wiley.‧
22, Willam J. Mitsch and Sven Erik Jorgensen, (2004), Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem
Restoration, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
23. George E. Fogg, (1975), Park Planning Guidelines, National Recreation and Park association.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
閱讀心得報告閱讀心得報告 Read experience report |
20 | 每周指定閱讀心得報告 |
景觀規劃設計計畫案作業實作景觀規劃設計計畫案作業實作 Landscape planning design project operation implementation |
60 | 期初,其中,期末報告 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
30 | 包括出席率,學習態度,平時考 |