1. 發現問題及瞭解問題,主要的學習活動是讓師資生從探索自己的文化開始,進而了解多元文化,在這樣的學習過程中,讓學生發現文化的差異及衝突。
2. 整理問題及深入理解。透過分析整理新移民(外籍配偶及其婚生子女)在進入台灣社會的社會經濟背景事實,及社會對新移民族群的偏見與歧視,讓師資生深入理解因對族群偏見歧視在教育上所造成在的不公平、不正義。
3. 連結生活及行動。也就是師資生將透過規劃課程連結生活,提出對教育上的行動計畫,培養每一位師資生在教育上的改革有行動能力,而在擔任教職後成為一位多元文化教育種子老師,為教育工作上進行改革,實踐社會公平正義的理想持續努力。1. Discover and understand the problem. The main learning activity is to allow students to start by exploring their own culture and then understand diverse cultures. In this learning process, students can discover cultural differences and conflicts.
2. Organize the questions and have in-depth understanding. Through analysis and sorting out the social economic background of new immigrants (foreign spouses and their children) when entering Taiwan society, as well as the prejudice and disagreement of new immigrants, students can deeply understand the causes of education caused by discrimination against ethnic groups. Injustice and injustice.
3. Connect life and actions. That is, teachers and students will connect their lives through planning courses, propose actions in education, cultivate each teacher and students to have action ability in educational reform, and after becoming a teaching position, they will become a multicultural education teacher, We will carry out reforms in education work and continue to work hard to implement the ideal of social fairness and justice.
1. Ramsey, P. (2004). Teaching and learning in a diverse world: multicultural education for young children. New York: NY: Teachers College Press.
2. 朱瑛&蔡其蓁譯(2004)。多元世界的教與學: 兒童的多元文化教育。. 台北市: 心理出版社股份有限公司。
3. 夏曉鵑 編著 (2005) 。不要叫我外籍新娘。台北: 左岸文化。
4. 王宏仁、唐文慧 著 (2009)。夫枷蓮花:十六個受暴越娘的出走。台北:巨流圖書股份有限公司。
5. 強納威 著(2008) 。嫁來天堂的新娘。台北: 文經社。
6. 陳枝烈 等譯(2008)。多元文化教育: 議題與觀點。台北市: 心理出版社。
7. 陳美如(2004)〈側寫一位教師與異文化的相遇:從理解到發現〉。《教育研究月刊》117:23-33。
8. Course reading packet
1. Ramsey, P. (2004). Teaching and learning in a diverse world: multicultural education for young children. New York: NY: Teachers College Press.
2. Zhu Ying & Cai Qizhen Translation (2004). Teaching and learning in a diverse world: Multicultural education for children. . Taipei City: Psychological Publishing House Co., Ltd.
3. Edible by Xia Xiaopeng (2005). Don't call me a foreign bride. Taipei: Left Bank Culture.
4. Written by Wang Hongren and Tang Wenhui (2009). Husband's shackles and flowers: The runaway of the sixteen tyrants. Taipei: Juliu Books Co., Ltd.
5. Written by TNavi (2008). Marry a bride in heaven. Taipei: Wenguan Club.
6. Chen Zhilie et al. (2008). Multicultural Education: Questions and Views. Taipei City: Psychological Publishing House.
7. Chen Meiru (2004) Printing the Encounter of a Teacher with Different Culture: From Understanding to Discovery . "Educational Research Monthly" 117:23-33.
8. Course reading packet
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
個人經歷的撰寫作業個人經歷的撰寫作業 Personal writing |
10 | 用半頁(單行間距12號字體)篇幅描繪你的文化背景及文化認同,接著再以另半頁描述你受教育背景,所以班上的同學能得以更進一步認識你是誰。 |
對文化學習的線上討論對文化學習的線上討論 Online discussion on cultural learning |
15 | 透過訪談外籍配偶及閱讀同學的bios 認識文化檢視文化學習 |
影片心得分析報告影片心得分析報告 Video experience analysis report |
15 | 從觀看「黑仔討老婆」或「我的強娜威」影片 分析你所見的的多元文化有哪些? 這些文化又呈現了台灣社會上的哪些主流價值及不平等? |
多元文化教育教學計畫多元文化教育教學計畫 Multicultural Education and Teaching Plan |
15 | 結合將來任教之科目設計融入心移民素材之教學計劃。 |
讀書會—閱讀中的不平等偏見批判讀書會—閱讀中的不平等偏見批判 Reading Club—Criticism of Inequality and Prejudice in Reading |
15 | 針對讀書會的內容,以15分鐘分享讀書會的成果。 讀書會的報告形式自訂, 可以以drama、 interactive symposium、round table呈現。 |