能描述典型之方案服務流程,以及組合在服務過程中所涉及的各項構成要素 (人、事、時、地、物)
能明瞭進行方案評估時所需之資訊,以及實際的作法Able to analyze and specifically describe the problems and needs that a group of people face together
If the problem is to be changed, the operation process is carried out in the measurement or evaluation
Understand the characteristics of potential service target groups and estimate the number of people participating in services
Can use logical reasoning to propose various alternative strategies that can be used to generate changes, and set the final state to achieve
Able to describe typical service processes and to combine various structural elements (person, event, time, place, object) in the service process
Able to make a rough and reasonable plan budget (including scheduled income and expenditure)
Be able to understand the information required for program evaluation and actual practices
This course is designed to prepare undergraduate students to develop the knowledge, skills and strategies required for grantsmanship in relation to project planning, proposal writing, service effect evaluation and fund application at the practice operational level. The course not only demystifies the grant-writing process by providing a guide but exposes students to a variety of potential sources and approaches for program or project implementation.
This course is designed to prepare undergraduate students to develop the knowledge, skills and strategies required for grantsmanship in relation to project planning, proposal writing, service effect evaluation and foundation application at the practice operational level. The course not only demystifies the grant-writing process by providing a guide but exposes students to a variety of potential sources and approaches for program or project implementation.
高迪理 (譯) (2013)。服務方案之設計與管理 (第四版) (P. M. Kettner, R. M. Moroney, & L. L. Martin 原著)。台北:揚智。
Gaudiri (Reprinted) (2013). Design and Management of Service Solutions (Fourth Edition) (Original by P. M. Kettner, R. M. Moroney, & L. L. Martin). Taipei: Sharp wisdom.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
10 | |
小組作業小組作業 Group of works |
50 | |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
20 | |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
20 |