本課程重視學生的出席率與課堂參與,請修課同學務必先預習,再來上課。For sophomore students, this course introduces the basic general knowledge of debt in civil law. Topics this semester include the validity of contracts, transfer of debts, majority of debtors and creditors, extinguishment of debts, etc.
This course attaches great importance to students' attendance and class participation. Students taking the course are required to preview before coming to class.
研究民法上所規定的債之通則,就債的發生、標的、效力、移轉、消滅與多數債務人及多數債權人等之理論與實踐。債法 具有交易法的色彩,於今日人與人接觸頻繁,發生財產上的權利義務關係甚多之情形下,最為重要。
Study the general principles of debt stipulated in the civil law, including the theory and practice of the occurrence, subject matter, validity, transfer, and elimination of debt, as well as the majority of debtors and the majority of creditors. Obligation law has the color of transaction law, and it is most important in today's situation where people have frequent contacts with each other and there are many rights and obligations in property.
Handouts (PPT) will be issued during class, and please refer to the following books:
Sun Senyan, General Commentary on Civil Law Debt (Part 1) (Part 2)
Lin Chengji, New Interpretation of the General Theory of Obligation Law: Systematic Explanation (Part 1) (Part 2)
Zheng Yubo/Chen Ronglong, General Commentary on Civil Law Debt (Revised Second Edition)
Wang Zejian, Principles of Obligation Law
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
40 | 以出席率及口頭報告分數評量 |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考期末考 final exam |
30 |