course information of 103 - 2 | 6778 Hospitality Consumer Behavior(餐旅消費者行為)

Taught In English6778 - 餐旅消費者行為 Hospitality Consumer Behavior

教育目標 Course Target

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: -Determine the content and marketing importance of consumer behavior predispositions. -Enhance the knowledge of buying decision process of consumers into marketing approach. -Select the proper model of consumer behavior for specific marketing decisions. -Find substantial difference in consumer behavior among consumers and to project them into marketing orientation.Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: -Determine the content and marketing importance of consumer behavior predispositions. -Enhance the knowledge of buying decision process of consumers into marketing approach. -Select the proper model of consumer behavior for specific marketing decisions. -Find substantial difference in consumer behavior among consumers and to project them into marketing orientation.

課程概述 Course Description

Consumer Behavior Today focuses on the varied topics related to consumer behavior with particular focus on the contemporary issues of consumerism, marketing, and social media. The course introduces a wide range of behavioral concepts, and explores the strategic implications of customer behavior for marketers. The course challenges students to explore the realities and implications of buyer behavior in traditional and e-commerce markets. Key to the course is demonstrating how an understanding of buyer behavior can help to improve strategic decision making. This module is designed about a subset of behaviors - the psychology and sociology of human behavior as it relates to consumer decision making and action. Shopping, buying, and consuming goods and services that deliver desired benefits is a major focus for the hospitality industry. Understanding what benefits consumers are seeking and how they make decisions, shop, buy, and actually consume helps marketers develop and carry out more effective marketing strategies: target marketing, product strategy, price strategy, place strategy, and promotion strategy. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: - determine the content and marketing importance of consumer behavior predispositions - enhance the knowledge of buying decision process of consumers into marketing approach - select the proper model of consumer behavior for specific marketing decisions - find substantial differences in consumer behavior among consumers and to project them into marketing orientation
Consumer Behavior Today focuses on the varied topics related to consumer behavior with particular focus on the contemporary issues of consumerism, marketing, and social media. The course introduces a wide range of behavioral concepts, and explores the strategic implications of customer behavior for marketers. The course challenges students to explore the reality and implications of buyer behavior in traditional and e-commerce markets. Key to the course is demonstrating how an understanding of buyer behavior can help to improve strategic decision making. This module is designed about a subset of behaviors - the psychology and sociology of human behavior as it relates to consumer decision making and action. Shopping, buying, and consumer goods and services that deliver desired benefits is a major focus for the hospitality industry. Understanding what benefits consumers are seeking and how they make decisions, shop, buy, and actually consume helps marketers develop and carry out more effective marketing strategies: target marketing, product strategy, price strategy, place strategy, and promotion strategy. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: - determine the content and marketing importance of consumer behavior predispositions - enhance the knowledge of buying decision process of consumers into marketing approach - select the proper model of consumer behavior for specific marketing decisions - find substantial differences in consumer behavior among consumers and to project them into marketing orientation

參考書目 Reference Books

Roger Blackwell、Paul Miniard and James Engel 2012, Consumer Behavior, Cengage Lerning.
Del. Hawkins and David Mothersabough 2013, Consumer Behavior, MaGRAW HILL IMTERNATIONAL EDITION
Roger Blackwell, Paul Miniard and James Engel 2012, Consumer Behavior, Cengage Lerning.
Del. Hawkins and David Mothersabough 2013, Consumer Behavior, MaGRAW HILL IMTERNATIONAL EDITION

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Participation and AttendanceClass Participation and Attendance
class participation and attendance
20 The learning process for this course will be primarily driven by class discussion.
Group PresentationGroup Presentation
group presentation
30 Group report is designed to give students an opportunity to be innovative and apply the concepts learned in class to their projects.

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/5,6,7[M207-3]
授課教師 Teacher:張亦騏
修課班級 Class:餐旅碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 4 人。

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