course information of 103 - 2 | 6777 Green Restaurants(綠色餐廳)

Taught In English6777 - 綠色餐廳 Green Restaurants

教育目標 Course Target

透過本課程的進行使本校綠色永續的教育理念和國內綠色產業發展的腳步緊密銜接,並讓東海餐旅系成為與產業需求、都市政策更高度結合的中區綠領人才培育搖籃。主要之目標包括: (1)透過課程的介紹了解國際綠色餐廳發展的近況與國內的產業發展趨勢。 (2)透過實地參訪各家餐廳業者的過程,了解各業者的綠色策略及成功關鍵因素。 (3)透過個案資料的討論,學習成為綠色餐廳創業者的經營之道。Through this course, the school’s green and sustainable educational philosophy and the pace of green industry development in China are closely linked, and the Donghai Restaurant and Tourism Department has become a central green talent cultivation base that is more highly integrated with industry needs and urban policies. The main goals include: (1) Through the course introduction, learn about the recent development of international green restaurants and the domestic industry development trends. (2) Through the process of visiting various restaurant operators in a practical manner, understand the green strategies and key factors of success of various operators. (3) Through discussion of case information, learning has become the way to run a green restaurant entrepreneur.

課程概述 Course Description

The concepts of environmental protection, live-action, green color, low-carbon meals, etc., are all discussed recently, with the core of improving consumer quality and promoting the provision of healthy meals. However, there is still a considerable space for efforts to implement the idea of ​​protecting the earth and the value of green to implement consumers' initiative to engage in green consumption. At the same time, under the wave of energy contracts and green continuous life, green talents have long become a new trend of career development. In the future, work opportunities in various industries, including food, clothing, housing, transportation and education, will definitely require more green workers, but the green talents are not limited by traditional career content, making it more difficult to grow. For example, the backstage staff of green restaurants not only need To understand the production and preservation of meals, you must also understand the details of food transportation, packaging materials and whether they can be effectively recycled, so that the carbon emissions of the entire process from production to cooking recycling can be reduced, so that it can be called a successful low-carbon meal. However, the widespread professional knowledge involved also highlights the urgency of cultivating professional green restaurant talents in China. Considering the growing demand for green talents in Taiwan's restaurant and tourism market and the construction goals of the low-carbon cities in Taichung (including the promotion plan of "green restaurants and hotels"), the school has been continuously developing the educational concept with "green forever" as its core recently. It is expected that through the effective combination of this course, it can help the cultivation and development of green restaurants and tourism talents in China.

參考書目 Reference Books

GREEN RESTAURANT CERTIFICATION 4.0 STANDARDS (2014) by Restaurateurs Green Restaurant Association.
green restaurant certification 4.0 standards (2014) by restauranturs green restaurant association.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course Participation
20 出席僅是本課程的必要條件,積極地參與討論才是本課程需要你具備的條件
Case production and analysis
30 透過與組員的分工合作,各位將一同完成個案學習之挑戰

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/5,6[M145]
授課教師 Teacher:陳錚中
修課班級 Class:餐旅3,4,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:餐旅系三四年級生可修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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