我們期許文學能自傳統的教科書及科目考試中解放,使大眾皆能領略文學之美,進而創作、評斷文學。亦即,本課以程追求文學的生活化為目標,要在使同學能學習審視、沈思、書寫、表達內在的心靈世界。Literature is not everything, but everything can be literature. Therefore, through reading literary works, you can benefit from understanding art, culture, and more importantly, understanding life and human nature.
We expect literature to be liberated from traditional textbooks and subject exams, so that the public can appreciate the beauty of literature and then create and review literature. That is, this course aims to pursue the life-oriented literature, and to enable students to learn to examine, think, write, and express the inner world of spirituality.
3. 簡 媜:《誰在銀閃閃的地方,等你》(臺北:印刻)
4. 彭明輝:《生命是長期而持續的累積》(臺北:聯經)
5. ──:《活出生命最好的可能》(臺北:聯經)
6. 蔣 勳:《生活十講》(臺北:聯合文學)
7. ── :《孤獨六講》(臺北:聯合文學)
8. 李偉文:《迷路原為看花開》(臺北:時報)
3. ── :《庚辰雕龍》(臺北:三民)
4.李 敖:《獨白下的傳統》(臺北:李敖)
5. ── :《傳統下的獨白》(臺北:李敖)
6.林語堂 :《吾土與吾民》(臺北:風雲時代)
1.Joseph Camper作,朱侃如譯:《神話》(臺北:立緒)
2. ─────:《千面英雄》(臺北:立緒)
3. ─────:《坎伯生活美學》(臺北:立緒)
4.Mircea Eliade作,楊素娥譯:《聖與俗─宗教的本質》(臺北:桂冠)
6.Ernst Cassirer作,于曉等譯:《神話與語言》(臺北:桂冠)
7.Fiona Bowic作,金澤等譯《宗教人類學導論》(北京:中國人民)
one. "Philosophy of Life" category
1 Tang Junyi: "The Experience of Life" (Taipei: Taiwan Student Book Bureau)
2. Thank you Guiyu: "Being Yourself Is the Deepest Rebellion" (Taipei: Maitian)
3. Simplified Mom: "Who is waiting for you in the silver flashing place" (Taipei: printed)
4. Peng Mingxiu: "Life is a long-term and continuous accumulation" (Taipei: Union)
5. ──: "The Best Possibility of Living Life" (Taipei: Union)
6. Qiong: "Ten Lectures on Life" (Taipei: Joint Literature)
7. ──: "Six Lectures on the Lonely" (Taipei: Joint Literature)
8. Li Weiwen: "Lost in the Way to Watch Flowers" (Taipei: Time Report)
two. "Cultural Thought" category
1. The Long-Da Ling Cheng: "Fifteen Talks on Chinese Traditional Culture" (Taipei: Wunan)
2. Shangzongwu: "Humanistic Perspective" (Taipei: Dongda University).
3. ──: "Gengchen Diaolong" (Taipei: Sanmin)
4. Li Ao: "The Tradition of the Unreliable" (Taipei: Li Ao)
5. ──: "The Independence in the Tradition" (Taipei: Li Ao)
6. Lin Yutang: "My Land and My People" (Taipei: Wind and Yun Age)
7. Pan Chaoyang: "Heart Spirit." Space. Environment--Geographical Thoughts in Humanistic Ideas" (Taipei: Wunan)
8. Floor West: "Twenty Talks about Ancient Chinese Architecture" (Taipei: Union)
three. "Mythology Thought" category
1. Joseph Camper, translated by Zhu Kanru: "Myth" (Taipei: Li Cheng)
2. ────: "Thousand Faces of Heroes" (Taibei: Li Cheng)
3. ────: "Camper Life Aesthetics" (Taibei: Li Cheng)
4. Mircea Eliade, translated by Yang Su'e: "Holy and the Vows - the Intrinsic of Religion" (Taipei: Laurel)
5.Editor of Gu Tianhong et al.: "From Comparative Myth to Literature" (Taipei: Dongda University)
6. Ernst Cassirer, translated by Yu Xiao et al.: "Mythology and Language" (Taipei: Laurel)
7. Fiona Bowic, translated by Jin Ze and others, "Religious Human Studies" (Beijing: Chinese People)
8. He Pingli: "The Concept of Resurrection and Chinese Culture" (Shandong: Qilu Bookstore)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | |
作業作業 Action |
30 | |
出席狀況與學習態度出席狀況與學習態度 Attendance and learning attitude |
15 |