使同學瞭解資本市場基本的遊戲規則─證券交易法,瞭解其立法目的及適用爭議,並熟悉其運作實務。Let students understand the basic game rules of the capital market-Stock Exchange Law, understand its legislative purpose and applicable disputes, and be familiar with its operating practices.
Introduce relevant management regulations of the domestic securities market.
賴英照,證券交易法解析簡明版,2013年4月2版,作者自版。I S B N 13:9789574179602
劉連煜,新證券交易法實例研習 ,2013年9月1日11版,作者自版。I S B N 13:9789574307975
Photos of the Ying-jeou, Brief version of the Analysis of Securities and Exchange Law, April 2, 2013, author's own version. I S B N 13:9789574179602
Liu Lianyu, a sample study of the new securities trading law, 11th edition, September 1, 2013, author's own edition. I S B N 13:9789574307975
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 可能包括選擇、是非與實例解析題型或口試 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | 可能包括選擇、是非與實例解析題型或口試 |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
40 | 依同學出席率、上課參與及態度評定(若進行報告,則報告佔30%) |