course information of 103 - 2 | 2556 Nutritional Care for the Elderly(銀髮族營養與照顧)

Taught In English2556 - 銀髮族營養與照顧 Nutritional Care for the Elderly

教育目標 Course Target

1.提高修課學生對銀髮產業的認識,並增加學生對老人健康飲食相關議題之興趣 2.結合縣市政府或社群團體,培養學生具備推廣並執行老人飲食健康促進方案 3.透過社區志工、學生社團或學生服務,培養學生具有關懷社區弱勢老人健康飲食之行動能力 4.培養學生具備老人營養評估之能力 5.培養學生製備老人膳食之能力 6.促進並提高社區健康人才培育人員訓練比率1. Improve students' understanding of silver hair industry and increase students' interest in the topics related to healthy diet for the elderly 2. In conjunction with the county municipal government or community groups, cultivate students to promote and implement health-promoting plans for the elderly to eat health 3. Through community volunteers, student groups or student services, students can cultivate students' ability to eat healthy diets with weak elderly people in the community. 4. Cultivate students to have the ability to evaluate the elderly’s nutrition 5. Cultivate students' ability to prepare diet for the elderly 6. Promote and improve the training ratio of community health talent training

課程概述 Course Description

本課程主要針對銀髮族之健康飲食與膳食製備,其中針對之對象除健康老人之外也包含有疾病之老人。本課程將由社會學的反思銀髮族營養保健的「社會議題」。高齡社會帶來社會問題,但更帶來商機(所謂的高齡/銀髮/灰金市場),各方勢力都競相建構「銀髮族該怎麼活」的觀念和制度。透過醫療社會學的研究及社會學家Anthony Giddens的本體安全感的觀點,希望修課同學能建立對商業論述建立批判反思能力,從而對銀髮族營養保健問題能轉境界而不隨境界轉。接下來針對老人身體個部位構造衰退開始進行講解,再闡述台灣現今對老人照護所有的相關法規,並實際了解社區和學生組織對弱勢老人服務情形。膳食製備之實作課程如老人餐食製備將培養學生實際操作的技術和能力。 本課程預計透過不同主題課堂講授介紹、相關議題討論與分組討論方式傳授教導學生,並將邀請相關領域專家對學生進行演講。另外,像是吞嚥訓練、營養評估和營養教案設計將增加學生和老人實際相處之經驗或了解老人所遭遇之困難。對學生來說,此課程將可訓練其成為社區健康培育人員或對老人營養學專精之營養師。
This course mainly focuses on healthy diet and dietary preparations for the silver hair people, and the targets include elderly people with diseases in addition to healthy elderly people. This course will be a social reflection on the “social topics” of hairdressing nutritional care. The high-grade society brings social problems, but it also brings business opportunities (the so-called high-grade/silver/gray gold market), and all parties work together to build the concept and system of "how should silver hair live?" Through medical sociology research and socialist Anthony Giddens's sense of security in nature, we hope that students in the course can establish critical reflection on business theory, and then change the state of nutritional and health care problems of silver hair. Next, we will start to explain the decline in the physical structure of the elderly, and then describe all relevant laws and regulations on caring for elderly people in Taiwan today, and actually understand the situation of community and student organizations serving weak elderly people. The practical course of diet preparation, such as the elderly meal preparation, will cultivate students' skills and abilities in actual operation. This course plans to teach students through lecture introductions, related topic discussions and sub-group discussions, and experts from relevant fields will be invited to give lectures to students. In addition, swallowing training, nutrition assessment and nutrition lesson plan design will increase students' and the elderly's actual experience or understand the difficulties encountered by the elderly. For students, this course will train them to become a community health training staff or a nutritionist who specializes in nutrition for the elderly.

參考書目 Reference Books

李義川(2009) 《老人營養與膳食製備》,新北市:威仕曼
Li Yichuan (2009) "The Nutrition and Diet Preparation for Elderly People", New Taipei City: Weishiman

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Final results are published

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[C219]
授課教師 Teacher:吳旻寰/林万登/李貴宜
修課班級 Class:共選修2-4 (餐旅系開)
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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