1. 瞭解餐服精神及管理面的理論知識 2. 熟練餐服及房務技巧 3. 具備獨立操作基本餐飲服務及房務的能力1. Understand the theoretical knowledge of catering clothing spirit and management 2. Be familiar with catering clothing and room skills 3. Have the ability to independently operate basic catering services and room services
Basic theory discusses catering and hotel services, and cooperates with actual practice to do pre-requisite skills for exams.
1. 餐廳服務管理 (2002),孫路弘譯,桂魯有限公司出版
2. 丙級餐旅服務學術科通關寶典-2008年最新版 (2008),謝美美、楊蕙娟,台科大出版社。
1. Restaurant Service Management (2002), Sunlu Honglu, published by Guilu Co., Ltd.
2. Class C Catering and Tourism Service Academics Tongguan Ceremony-2008 Latest Edition (2008), Xie Meimei, Yang Huijuan, NTU Tech Press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
房務期末考房務期末考 Final exam for housing |
15 | |
房務小考三次房務小考三次 Three small tests for housing |
24 | |
房務上課出席率房務上課出席率 Attendance rate for housework |
5 | |
房務小組清潔房務小組清潔 Housekeeping group cleaning |
6 | |
餐飲期中考餐飲期中考 Midterm exam for meals |
25 | |
餐飲小考2次餐飲小考2次 2 meal tests |
20 |