course information of 103 - 2 | 2494 Particular Study of Food Marketing(食品行銷學各論)

Taught In English2494 - 食品行銷學各論 Particular Study of Food Marketing

教育目標 Course Target

在台灣,有許多人在從事著所謂的行銷之工作。只是隨著時代的急速進展,原本的行銷觀念已經漸漸無法通用於新的變化。 在過去10年間,本科目名稱是「食品市場規劃」,雖然為了配合周遭環境對於「Marketing」的固有認知,而從2013年起將本科目名稱調整為通俗名稱的「食品行銷學」,但是本科目在授課過程中,會提示學生以「市場規劃」的方式來理解「Marketing」,並且從食品產業的原料生產階段循序的介紹到消費者之購買與食用階段。 本科目乃是在本系的「食品流通學」之教學體系上,扮演著向修習學生傳達有關「商流」的學問,亦即是「Food Marketing」的意義與功能;特別是銜接上學期所授課之食品行銷學通論,在本科目當中藉由各論的方式向學生講解食品企業如何運用各項細膩的市場規劃之手段與策略。 如果修習學生可以完整修習「食品流通學」之教學體系,應該可以建立對於食品流通的正確知識,強化往後在升學與就業之時的學識或能力。In Taiwan, many people are doing the so-called marketing work. However, with the rapid progress of the times, the original marketing concept has gradually become uncommon for new changes. In the past 10 years, this subject has been called "Food Marketing Planning". Although in order to match the inherent understanding of "Marketing" in the surrounding environment, the title of this subject has been adjusted to the commonly known "Food Marketing" since 2013, during the course of this subject, students will be reminded to understand "Marketing" in the form of "marketing planning", and will introduce it step by step from the raw material production stage of the food industry to the purchase and consumption stage of consumers. This subject is to teach students about "business flow" in the teaching system of "food circulation" in this department, which is the meaning and function of "Food Marketing". In particular, it is the food marketing discussion that was taught in the previous period. In this subject, it explains to students how food companies use various detailed market planning means and strategies. If students can fully study the teaching system of "Food Circulation", they should be able to establish correct knowledge about food circulation and strengthen their learning or abilities in the future when they advance and start their studies.

課程概述 Course Description

本科目乃是向修習學生傳達有關「Food Marketing」的意義與功能,課程設計為上學期的通論以及下學期的各論。 各論之課程內容為講解市場規劃策略的4大項構成要素,並說明食品企業如何運用各項細膩的市場規劃之 手段與策略。
This subject is to convey the meaning and functions of "Food Marketing" to students. The course is designed as a general discussion in the previous period and a discussion in the next period. The course content of each discussion is to explain the four major structural elements of market planning strategies, and to explain how food companies use various detailed market planning. Means and strategies.

參考書目 Reference Books

王良原、張正明、鄭博宇、周淑月、林慧生、汪復進、林宏達、鄭建益、鄭雅升、許育文、李芝音 合著
Editor of Lin Huisheng
Wang Liangyuan, Zhang Zhengming, Zheng Boyu, Zhou Shuyue, Lin Huisheng, Wang Xiejin, Lin Hongda, Zheng Jianyi, Zheng Yasheng, Xu Yuwen, Li Zhiyin Co-author
Food Marketing, Huagena Press (first edition in 2012)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance status
Case analysis
Midterm exam
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[AG122]
授課教師 Teacher:王良原
修課班級 Class:食科系3,4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 40 人。

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