course information of 103 - 2 | 2155 Social Research Method(社會研究方法)

Taught In English2155 - 社會研究方法 Social Research Method

教育目標 Course Target

社會科學研究的核心議題在於探索,描述與解釋人類的社會生活。不論是 對社會生活中的何種面向(如經濟轉型、人口變遷、!投票行為等),社會科學 研究者們竭盡所能地對該議題作出系統性分析,甚至去挖掘隱藏在該議題之 下,一般人們視而不見的過程,模式和因果關係。社會科學研究者並非依靠個 人觀察、主觀意見、或傳統的刻板印象來對關注的社會現象進行詮釋與分析。 相反地,任何的社會科學宣稱與研究結論都需透過具有邏輯性與實證性的研究 步驟來逐步生成。因此,社會科學研究方法就是社會研究的骨幹。唯有奠基 在嚴謹與扎實的研究方法之上,社會研究的結論才有其科學性價值與具參考性 的意義。 本一學年的課程將對社會科學常用的研究過程與相關概念進行系列性的介 紹與討論。本課程重視各方法間的相連關係與融會貫通,故將扣緊研究步驟來 進行課程安排。上學期前半段課程著重在方法學導論、理論與方法間的關係、 研究議題、文獻回顧與蒐集、研究整體設計、與概念化與操作化等基礎性議 題;後半段則由提鍊出的研究假設出發,進行抽樣原理的介紹並完成問卷設 計。下學期的課程資料著重問卷資料的蒐集與推論性分析,並佐以質性訪談來 引導同學針對研究問題豐富觀點,最終呈現完整研究報告。本課程要求同學們 利用上述研究方法來進行具體的實證性研究,以其幫助同學們藉由操作來確實 了解研究方法的概念與優缺點、養成獨立思考與研究執行能力、與為未來研究 與就業奠定基礎。The core topic of social science research is to explore, describe and explain the social life of humans. No matter Social Sciences regarding what aspects of social life (such as economic transformation, population change, voting behavior, etc.) Researchers do their best to make systematic analysis of the question, and even explore what is hidden in it. Next, the process, pattern and causal relationship that ordinary people see but do not see. Social science researchers do not rely on Personal observation, subjective opinions, or traditional stereotypes discuss and analyze social phenomena of concern. On the contrary, any social science propaganda and research conclusions need to be studied with logical and verified Steps are generated gradually. Therefore, social science research methods are the bones of social research. Only lay the foundation On the basis of serious and practical research methods, the conclusion of social research has its scientific value and reference meaning. This year's course will introduce a series of research processes commonly used in social sciences and related concepts Let’s talk about it. This course focuses on the relationship between various methods and the integration of the integration, so the research step will be tightened. Make course schedules. The first half of the first half of the course focuses on the relationship between methodology, theory and methodology, Basic concepts such as research topics, review and collection, research on overall design, conceptualization and operationalization Question; the second half is derived from the proposed research hypothesis, and the introduction of the sampling principle and completing the question paper Count. The course data in the next period focuses on the collection and recommendation analysis of the question paper data, and is accompanied by quality interviews. Instructing students to have rich views on research issues and finally present a complete research report. This course requires students to Use the above research methods to conduct specific and verified research to help students to ensure that Understand the concepts and advantages and disadvantages of research methods, develop independent thinking and research execution capabilities, and be aware of future research Lay the foundation for employment.

參考書目 Reference Books

Babbie, Earl.(林秀雲譯) 2014. (13th Edition),《社會科學研究方法》。
B. 研究報告寫作教材:
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. (陳美霞、
C. 參考教材:
Neuman, W. Lawrence. 2006. (Sixth Edition). Social Research Methods:
Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Allyn and Bacon.
Designated textbooks:
Babbie, Earl. (Reported by Lin Xiuyun) 2014. (13th Edition), "Social Science Research Methods".
Taipei City: Double Leaf Library.
B. Research report writing textbook:
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. (Chen Meixia,
Xu Biqing and Xu Ganlin translated), 2009, "Art of Research". Taipei City: Juliu Publishing
2005, "Why did the professor not tell me?" Taipei City: Xuefu Publishing House.
C. Reference textbooks:
Neuman, W. Lawrence. 2006. (Sixth Edition). Social Research Methods:
Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Allyn and Bacon.
Editor of Qu Haiyuan et al., 2012, "Social and Behavioral Research Methods: Quality Research Methods". East
Hua Book Bureau.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Practical action
Midterm analysis report
Final oral report
Final oral tips

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Course Information


學分 Credit:4-4
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[SS210] Thursday/3,4[ST020]
授課教師 Teacher:王維邦
修課班級 Class:社會系3B
選課備註 Memo:限本系,不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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