從二十一世紀初起許多影響我國行政法制度的法典逐一實施,從新制定的行政程序法以及陸續修訂的行政執行法、行政訴訟法、訴願法、公務人員保障法、行政罰法、公務人員行政中立法等,若加上大法官的解釋以及新學說,便可以發現行政法在我國所顯現的「活力」。但是,這種活力卻導致學生普遍失去方向,視學習行政法為畏途。本課程設計主要採「體系教學法」,以行政法之概念體系為綱領,有系統的帶引同學進入繁雜的行政法領域中,此外,輔以個案分析與行政法院之判決,讓學生能有效運用行政法學理。最後,本課程並計畫針對國家考試以及研究所考試,輔導學生解答歷屆題目,以適應未來就業考試與升學。Since the beginning of the 21st century, many codes that have affected our administrative law system have been implemented one by one. From the newly formulated administrative procedure law and the administrative enforcement law, administrative lawsuit law, lawsuit law, public servant guarantee law, administrative penalty law, and administrative neutral legislation for public servants, if the explanation of the Supreme Court and the new teachings are added, we can find the "energy" that administrative law appears in our country. However, this vitality has led to students losing their direction in general and learning administrative law is a daunting path. This course design mainly adopts the "system teaching method", which takes the conceptual system of administrative law as its leader, and systematically leads students into the traditional administrative law field. In addition, case analysis and judgments of the administrative court can enable students to effectively use administrative law theory. Finally, this course plans to guide students to answer questions about national exams and institute exams, so as to suit future career exams and further studies.
課堂指定教科書: 呂炳寬,行政法之案例與實務,台中:康德,2014年。
Class designated textbooks: 吴 Bingbing, cases and practices of administrative law, Taichung: Kant, 2014.
Six administrative methods
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
10 | 缺課一次扣總分兩分,有請假者扣總分一分 |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
40 | |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
40 | |
筆記筆記 Note |
10 |