course information of 103 - 2 | 7221 Seminar on Administrative Law (I)(行政法專題研究(一))

Taught In English7221 - 行政法專題研究(一) Seminar on Administrative Law (I)

教育目標 Course Target

行政法各論業務領域與問題包羅廣泛,但是行政法總論之學習,若未能結合此兩者進行,勢必流於空泛難解。尤其是對於尚未有行政執法實務經驗之學習者,透過實際之個案及執法(行政、司法)實務,檢視相關之行政法學理論及通則性之規定,在學習效果上,益見其重要。也希冀藉由個案之雙向討論,加大討論之深度與廣度,貫徹學問之研究終究回歸問題之解決的要求。當然為提高學習之興趣與問題意識,研討之題目也納入最新之實務發展。The business areas and issues of administrative law are comprehensive, but the study of general administrative law will inevitably become vague and difficult to understand if it fails to combine the two. Especially for learners who have not yet had practical experience in administrative law enforcement, it is important to examine relevant administrative law theories and general regulations through actual cases and law enforcement (administrative, judicial) practice, in terms of learning effect. It is also hoped that through two-way discussion of individual cases, the depth and breadth of the discussion will be increased, and the requirement that academic research will eventually return to the solution of problems will be implemented. Of course, in order to enhance learning interest and problem awareness, the topics discussed also incorporate the latest practical developments.

參考書目 Reference Books

The subjects and issues of administrative law cover a wide range of topics, but if the study of general administrative law fails to combine the two, it will inevitably become vague and difficult to understand. Especially for learners who have not yet had practical experience in administrative law enforcement, it is important to examine relevant administrative law theories and general regulations through actual cases and law enforcement (administrative, judicial) practice, in terms of learning effect. It is also hoped that through two-way discussion of individual cases, the depth and breadth of the discussion will be increased, and the requirement that academic research will eventually return to the solution of problems will be implemented. Of course, in order to enhance learning interest and problem awareness, the topics discussed also incorporate the latest practical developments.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/11,12[L205]
授課教師 Teacher:黃啟禎
修課班級 Class:法律碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:博士班課程
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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