course information of 103 - 2 | 2083 Public Administration(行政學)

Taught In English2083 - 行政學 Public Administration

教育目標 Course Target

何謂「行政學」?簡單而言,就是介紹公共行政這個研究領域的入門課。那麼又何謂「公共行政」?再簡單地說,是研究和探討所有有關公部門活動應然面(ought to be)和實然面(what it is)的知識。所以行政學這門課是粗淺而廣泛的介紹在社會中政府所扮演的角色為何?具備那些功能?呈現在外的活動有那些?以及吾人思考與觀察的角度為何? 在英文中行政學名為Introduction to Public Administration,因此“Introduction”一字即道出這門課的精髓所在。另外一個問題也值得我們探究。那就是,在全球化影響之下,知識經濟的時代,政府的角色是否可以一成不變?若答案為否,那麼變化的趨勢為何是否亦值得吾人深思。 有形的門,無形的門,建構了我們的生活世界,打出娘胎開始,我們在無數的門中穿梭、徘徊、飛揚、沈靜,然後離去。我們的生活被「門」所形塑、限制,我們的人格和與人相處之道亦受到「門」的轉化及制約。然而,我們可知道,這些門是如何形成的,如何被建造,如何來分割世界的?每一道門後是否有一套特殊的運作法則?大門之中有小門,小門之中還有小小門,連環相扣,有人嚷著要解構,有人嚷著要再造,可是,我們又有多大的迴旋空間?在行動之前,且讓我們多多瞭解支配我們行動的所謂法則或價值觀吧! 請試想:自清晨睜開雙眼,至深夜入眠,在個體的一天活動之中,有多少是跟政府無關的?再請試想,個人、家庭、社會和政府之間到底存在著什麼樣的互動關係?在這層層交錯的網絡之中,個人該如何定位?政府該扮演何種角色?種種問題的探索將界定我們的價值觀,尤其重要的是將決定政府在人民生活中的角色。美國著名學者Waldo曾言「自有人類文明以來,就有行政的存在」,這句話是否有它的道理?在進入公共行政領域之時,我希望各位能以各自的價值觀但又相當客觀的態度來探討下面重要的議題。 本課程將涵蓋下列重要的議題: (1)社會與行政的關連;(2)公共行政的定義;(3)公共行政發展的過程及其爭議性的議題;(4)公共行政的理論基礎;(5)公共行政領域中的主要功能;(6)公共行政的未來發展。What is "administrative science"? Simply put, it is an introductory course that introduces the field of study of public administration. So what is “public administration”? To put it simply, it is the study and exploration of all knowledge about the ought to be and what it is aspects of public sector activities. Therefore, the course of Administration is a superficial and extensive introduction to the role of the government in society. What functions does it have? What are the external activities? And what is the perspective from which we think and observe? In English, the name of administration is Introduction to Public Administration, so the word "Introduction" expresses the essence of this course. Another question is also worth exploring. That is, under the influence of globalization and in the era of knowledge economy, can the role of the government remain unchanged? If the answer is no, then why the changing trend is worth pondering. Visible doors and invisible doors construct our living world. From the time we are born, we shuttle, wander, fly, become silent, and then leave through countless doors. Our lives are shaped and restricted by "doors", and our personality and the way we get along with others are also transformed and restricted by "doors". However, do we know how these gates were formed, how they were built, and how they divided the world? Is there a special set of operating rules behind each door? There are small doors within the large doors, and there are small small doors within the small doors, which are connected in a chain. Some people are clamoring for deconstruction, and some are clamoring for reconstruction. However, how much room for maneuver do we have? Before taking action, let us know more about the so-called laws or values ​​that govern our actions! Please think about this: From the time you wake up in the morning until you fall asleep late at night, how many of an individual's daily activities have nothing to do with the government? Please think again, what kind of interactive relationship exists between individuals, families, society and the government? In this intertwined network, how should individuals position themselves? What role should the government play? The exploration of these issues will define our values ​​and, most importantly, the role of government in people's lives. Waldo, a famous American scholar, once said, "Administration has existed since the beginning of human civilization." Is there any truth to this statement? As you enter the field of public administration, I hope that you will discuss the following important issues with your own values ​​but with a fairly objective attitude. This course will cover the following important topics: (1) The relationship between society and administration; (2) The definition of public administration; (3) The development process of public administration and its controversial issues; (4) Theoretical basis of public administration; (5) Main issues in the field of public administration Function; (6) The future development of public administration.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) 指定參考書目
Shafritz, Jay M., E.W. Russell and Christopher P. Borick. Seventh ed. 2011. Introducing Public Administration. Boston: Lognman.

(2) 參考書目
1. Starling, Grover. Ninth Edition. 2011.
Managing The Public Sector.
Boston: Wadsworth.

2. 吳定等,民95。『行政學(上、下) 』,蘆洲:國立空中大學。
4. 張潤書,民98。『行政學』,台北:三民書局。
5.林鍾沂,民 94。 『行政學』,台北:三民書局。
(1) Specified bibliography
Shafritz, Jay M., E.W. Russell and Christopher P. Borick. Seventh ed. 2011. Introducing Public Administration. Boston: Lognman.

(2) Bibliography
1. Starling, Grover. Ninth Edition. 2011.
Managing The Public Sector.
Boston: Wadsworth.

2. Wu Ding et al., Min. 95. "Administrative Studies (Part 1 and 2)", Luzhou: National Hangzhou University.
3. Wu Qiong'en, people 100. "Administrative Science", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company.
4. Zhang Runshu, Min. 98. "Administrative Science", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company.
5. Lin Zhongyi, Min. 94. "Administrative Science", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
30 期末報告於期末考前三周繳交
final exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[SS207]
授課教師 Teacher:史美強
修課班級 Class:行政系1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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