course information of 103 - 2 | 2016 Public Administration(行政學)

Taught In English2016 - 行政學 Public Administration

教育目標 Course Target

在進入公共行政領域之時,我希望各位能以各自的價值觀但又相當客觀的態度來探討下面重要的議題。 本課程將涵蓋下列重要的議題: (1)社會與行政的關連;(2)公共行政的定義;(3)公共行政發展的過程及其爭議性的議題;(4)公共行政的理論基礎;(5)公共行政領域中的主要功能;(6)公共行政的未來發展。When entering the public administration field, I hope that you can explore the following important topics with their own value but considerate attitude. This course will cover the following important questions: (1) The connection between society and administration; (2) The definition of public administration; (3) The process of public administration development and its controversial issues; (4) The theoretical basis of public administration; (5) The main functions in the public administration field; (6) The future development of public administration.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) 指定參考書目
Shafritz, Jay M., E.W. Russell and Christopher P. Borick. Seventh ed. 2011. Introducing Public Administration. Boston: Lognman.

(2) 參考書目
1. Starling, Grover. Ninth Edition. 2011.
Managing The Public Sector.
Boston: Wadsworth.
2. 吳定等,民95。『行政學(上、下) 』,蘆洲:國立空中大學。
5.林鍾沂,民 94。 『行政學』,台北:三民書局。
(1) Specify reference books
Shafritz, Jay M., E.W. Russell and Christopher P. Borick. Seventh ed. 2011. Introducing Public Administration. Boston: Lognman.

(2) Reference books
1. Starling, Grover. Ninth Edition. 2011.
Managing The Public Sector.
Boston: Wadsworth.
2. Wu Ding et al., 95. "Administrative Studies (Part 1, Part 2)", Suzhou: National Air University.
3. Wu Jing's kindness, the people are 100. "Administrative Studies", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau.
4. Zhang Zhuan, 98. "Administrative Studies", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau.
5. Lin Yuanyi, Min 94. "Administrative Studies", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Final report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[SS201]
授課教師 Teacher:史美強
修課班級 Class:政理組2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 46 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 46 人。

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