course information of 103 - 2 | 1489 Topics on Management(管理專題研討)

Taught In English1489 - 管理專題研討 Topics on Management

教育目標 Course Target

1. To familiarize students with the basic concepts and practices of advertising. 2. To enhance students’ capability and opportunity securing a quality job in advertising-related fields. 3. To improve students’ appreciation for advertising and creative thinking. .1. To familiarize students with the basic concepts and practices of advertising. 2. To enhance students’ capability and opportunity secure a quality job in advertising-related fields. 3. To improve students’ appreciation for advertising and creative thinking. .

課程概述 Course Description

運用實務專題個案,以常識化、簡單化、生活化、邏輯化闡述理論重點及實務運用,帶動學生對討論及應用「關鍵核心」的真正瞭解,才能活用竅門,舉一反三。 1.邏輯推理及表達能力訓練─以有系統的方法,訓練學生打破傳統思維,並架構循序的思考分析,邏輯推理方式及表達能力,終生受用。 2.決策分析模式訓練─定義問題及解決問題訓練,包括(1)魚骨圖分析法及其應用、(2)目標管理、(3)利潤中心制度等訓練 3.創新策略與優勢競爭策略的基礎管理與整合訓練─由瞭解管理演進與趨勢變化及企業文化的差異,從而體認各種行業成功的營運模式與職場生態的改變與不同,企業需求職工的新特質與主管功能及升遷之道也因而迥異於以往,商管學院學生如何在此巨變的環境下,訓練自己具競爭優勢的最基本的管理理論與實務基礎。 4.理財投資及避稅訓練─商管學院學生如何整合在校所學,規劃未來的財富人生,包括(1)台灣傳統理財投資的迷失、(2)現代理財投資新趨勢與黃金定律及應有的做法、(3)節稅與避稅(包括所得稅、贈與稅、遺產稅)。 5.創新的求職(學)履歷、自傳計畫及面談準備訓練─因應職場新需求;如何找出即轉寫自己具競爭優勢與差異化的自傳來推銷自己,若發覺自己有所不足;能夠及早培養,以因應未來。 6.即時的工商產業、經濟現況分析訓練─即時分析並與商管理論結合,以落實理論的應用。
Only by using practical topics and using common, simple, life-oriented, logical and logical theoretical key points and practical applications can we use the door and apply one by one. 1. Training on logical reasoning and expression ability--Use a systematic method to train students to break traditional thinking and structure sequence thinking and analysis, logical reasoning methods and expression ability, and ultimately benefit. 2. Training on decision analysis model-definition and problem solving training, including (1) fish bone diagram analysis method and its application, (2) goal management, (3) profit center system and other training 3. Basic management and integration training of innovative strategies and advantageous competition strategies - from understanding management evolution and trend changes and corporate culture, we can understand the successful operation model and changes in job ethics in various industries, and the changes and differences in job ethics. The new characteristics, supervisory functions and ways of promotion in enterprises are therefore very different from the past. How students from the School of Business Administration train their most basic management theory and practical foundation with competitive advantages in this huge environment. 4. Financial investment and tax avoidance training - How students from the School of Business Administration integrate their studies in school and plan their future wealthy life, including (1) the loss of traditional financial investment in Taiwan, (2) the new trends and gold laws and the appropriate practices of agency financial investment, (3) tax exemption and tax avoidance (including income tax, rewards and taxes, and property tax). 5. Innovative job hunting (study) performance, self-promotion planning and interview preparation - depending on new job needs; how to find out the competitive advantages and differences of self-promotion to promote yourself, if you find that you have shortcomings; be able to cultivate as soon as possible to meet the future. 6. Instant analysis and training of industrial and economic situations-instant analysis and combination with business management discussions to implement the application of theory.

參考書目 Reference Books

To be determined.
to be determined.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm ExamMidterm Exam
midterm exam
Final ExamFinal Exam
final exam
Attendance/ participationAttendance/ participation
attendance/ participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/5,6,7[M240]
授課教師 Teacher:林溫正
修課班級 Class:國貿系2-4
選課備註 Memo:未選上,第一週出席,優先選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 49 人。

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