course information of 103 - 2 | 0793 General Biology(普通生物學)

Taught In English0793 - 普通生物學 General Biology

教育目標 Course Target

此課程開設之目的,在使理學院學生(生科系以外)對生命科學領域有進一步的認識,內容將深入淺出介紹生物學基本概念及分子細胞生物學、遺傳,演化學及生物多樣性等相關領域。希望學生能認識生物學的研究,並希望對生物學有興趣的同學,未來從事相關數學,物理與生物學跨領域的研究。The purpose of this course is to enable students from the School of Science (except the Department of Biology) to have a further understanding of the field of life sciences. The content will in-depth and thoroughly introduce the basic concepts of biology and related fields such as molecular cell biology, evolution, and biological diversity. I hope that students can understand the research of biology, and hope that students who are interested in biology will study cross-domain research on mathematics, physics and biology in the future.

課程概述 Course Description

1.細胞 2.遺傳學 3.演化論與多樣性 4.生態學
1. Cell 2. Translation 3. Evolutionary theory and diversity 4. Ecological learning

參考書目 Reference Books

Textbook: Campbell BIOLOGY – concepts and connections. 7th ed. 2014.
by Reece, Taylor, Simon and Dickey.
歐亞書局 02-89121188
Textbook: Campbell BIOLOGY – concepts and connections. 7th ed. 2014.
by Reece, Taylor, Simon and Dickey.
European Book Bureau 02-89121188

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm and final exams
Final oral report
Attendance and Exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

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必修-0694 General Biology (II) / 普通生物學(二) (生科系生醫組1,授課教師:趙偉廷/林玉雯,一/3,4,五/6[LS114])
必修-0695 General Biology Lab. ( II ) / 普通生物學實驗(二) (生科系生醫組1,授課教師:趙偉廷/林玉雯,二/6,7,8[BS401])
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必修-0696 General Biology Lab. ( II ) / 普通生物學實驗(二) (生科系生醫組1,授課教師:趙偉廷/林玉雯,二/6,7,8[BS401])
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必修-0706 General Biology (II) / 普通生物學(二) (生科系生態組1,授課教師:蔡玉真/陳仁祥,四/1,2,五/6[LS113])
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必修-0707 General Biology Lab. ( II ) / 普通生物學實驗(二) (生科系生態組1,授課教師:蔡玉真/陳仁祥,一/6,7,8[BS401])
必修-0707 General Biology Lab. ( II ) / 普通生物學實驗(二) (生科系生態組1,授課教師:蔡玉真/陳仁祥,一/6,7,8[BS401])
必修-0708 General Biology Lab. ( II ) / 普通生物學實驗(二) (生科系生態組1,授課教師:蔡玉真/陳仁祥,一/6,7,8[BS401])
必修-0708 General Biology Lab. ( II ) / 普通生物學實驗(二) (生科系生態組1,授課教師:蔡玉真/陳仁祥,一/6,7,8[BS401])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4,Friday/4[ST520]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡玉真
修課班級 Class:應物,應數2-4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 39 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 39 人。

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