課程目標 (Course Objectives) (限300中文字) Please be brief.
basic training in pronunciation and intonation
understanding and usage of sentence structures, grammar, vocabulary, sentence patterns in relation to particular situations
building basic listening and reading comprehension
enabling students to express themselves in simple sentences and paragraphs in oral and written form
providing background in regional / cultural studies
strengthening interaction between students
developing collaborative skillsCourse Objectives (Limited to 300 Chinese characters) Please be brief.
German is spoken by approximately 119 million people worldwide, and it is also the mother tongue of 101 million Europeans. As a result, German is the most widely spoken language in Europe and ranks tenth globally. Being able to speak German will provide you with many opportunities to enrich your life and enhance your understanding of European cultural characteristics. In addition, German is the second most important language in the world for research and scholarship. The goals of this course are:
basic training in pronunciation and intonation
understanding and usage of sentence structures, grammar, vocabulary, sentence patterns in relation to particular situations
building basic listening and reading comprehension
enabling students to express themselves in simple sentences and paragraphs in oral and written form
providing background in regional / cultural studies
strengthening interaction between students
developing collaborative skills
German I is an introductory course for those with no background in German. It is taught in German and Mandarin, with increasing use of German for classroom communication. Students are tested on listening comprehension, grammar, reading, and writing.
German I is an introductory course for those with no background in German. It is taught in German and Mandarin, with increasing use of German for classroom communication. Students are tested on listening comprehension, grammar, reading, and writing.
1. studio [21] Das Deutschbuch. A1. (Funk/Kuhn 2013; 德國 Cornelsen 出版社) ISBN: 978-3-06-520526-9 (由敦煌書局代理進口) -- 書籍特色:附上DVD和網路密碼,只要有網路可以隨時隨地看課本內容,並做相關的練習,讓學德文變成一件更輕鬆有趣的事。
2. studio [21] Glossar Deutsch-Chinesisch (德中詞彙) ISBN: 978-3-06-520564-1 (由敦煌書局代理進口)
3. studio [21] Audio-CDs (聽力) ISBN: 978-3-06-520524-5 (由敦煌書局代理進口)
4. Facebook-Gruppe: Herr Sablotny的德文教室
a. other materials prepared by the teachers of the German section
b. online material related to course contents
c. www.cornelsen.de
1. studio [21] Das Deutschbuch. A1. (Funk/Kuhn 2013; Cornelsen Publishing House, Germany) ISBN: 978-3-06-520526-9 (Imported by Dunhuang Book Company) -- Book features: attached with DVD and website With the password, as long as there is an Internet connection, you can read the textbook content and do related exercises anytime and anywhere, making learning German an easier and more interesting thing.
2. studio [21] Glossar Deutsch-Chinesisch (German-Chinese vocabulary) ISBN: 978-3-06-520564-1 (imported by Dunhuang Book Company)
3. studio [21] Audio-CDs (listening) ISBN: 978-3-06-520524-5 (imported by Dunhuang Book Company)
4. Facebook-Gruppe: Herr Sablotny’s German Classroom
auxiliary teaching materials:
a. other materials prepared by the teachers of the German section
b. online material related to course contents
c. www.cornelsen.de
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Unterricht, Hausaufgaben und TestsUnterricht, Hausaufgaben und Tests UN Terri tradition, ha USA UF GA Ben UN’s test is |
20 | Mitarbeit, Hausaufgaben, Tests:課堂參與、家庭作業、小考 |
AnwesenheitAnwesenheit an weisen spade |
10 | 最高分數為10分,每缺席一堂,從10分扣一分.因正當理由而缺席並提出證明者,則不扣分. |
Lerntagebuch: 學習日誌Lerntagebuch: 學習日誌 Lerntagebuch: Learning Log |
10 | 用老師提供的WORD範本固定(每一到兩周一次)寫學習日誌記錄個人學習心得,計畫,方法等;在期中考和期末考前一週把填好的檔案在教學平台上上傳給老師. |
Facebook-Gruppe: FB社團Facebook-Gruppe: FB社團 Facebook-Gruppe: FB group |
10 | 固定發表貼文和留言(每兩週針對當期主題發表一篇貼文,並在另外兩位團員發表的貼文下面留言)並把自己的貼文和留言固定存下來,加上發表日期, 用老師提供的WORD範本整理成文件檔,在期中考和期末考前一週把填好的檔案在教學平台上上傳給老師.期中考前四次貼文和八次留言.期末考前也是四次貼文和八次留言. |
Mittsemesterpruefungen:期中考Mittsemesterpruefungen:期中考 Mittsemesterpruefungen: midterm exam |
25 | muendliche Prueung und Klausur:筆試和口試 |
Semesterpruefungen:期末考Semesterpruefungen:期末考 Semesterpruefungen: final exam |
25 | muendliche Prueung und Klausur:筆試和口試 |
Pluspunkte 加分Pluspunkte 加分 Pluspunkte extra points |
5 | 最高可以加5分; 加分方式: 1. 參加德語相關活動,如比賽等; 2. 自己企劃舉辦德語相關活動; 3. 自己編輯有助於學習德語的資料並與全班同學分享 |