course information of 103 - 1 | 8528 Formal Study in Chinese Ink(水墨造型(一))

Taught In English8528 - 水墨造型(一) Formal Study in Chinese Ink

教育目標 Course Target

1、使學生有能力使用水墨媒材表現工筆、寫意與創意花鳥和山水畫。 2、使學生熟悉運用寫生觀察做為創作的根本。 3、使學生了解題跋的意義、形式與應用。 4、使學生更深入了解傳統筆墨並能創造出新實驗風格的作品。 5、使學生有能力對專業水墨繪畫術語的理解和使用。 6、使學生有能力記錄完整的繪畫創作思維的過程。 7、使學生熟悉評析水墨作品的術語和恰當的回應批評。 8、使學生有能力提取概念,形成圖像並獨立完成構圖與成品。1. Enable students to use ink and wash media to express meticulous, freehand and creative flower-and-bird and landscape paintings. 2. Make students familiar with the use of sketching observation as the basis for creation. 3. Enable students to understand the meaning, form and application of inscriptions and postscripts. 4. Enable students to have a deeper understanding of traditional pen and ink and create works in new experimental styles. 5. Enable students to understand and use professional ink painting terminology. 6. Enable students to record the complete thinking process of painting creation. 7. Make students familiar with the terminology of evaluating ink works and respond appropriately to criticism. 8. Enable students to extract concepts, form images and complete composition and finished products independently.

課程概述 Course Description

This course not only analyzes the causes and trends of the development of contemporary ink painting, but also guides students to understand the choice of themes and shapes in ink painting creation, as well as the expression and creative practice of art.

參考書目 Reference Books

1 、美術家傳記系列《江兆申、余承堯、陳其寬……》。雄獅美術出版。
2、 台灣近現代水墨畫大系《溥心畬、傅狷夫、張大千……》。藝術家出版社。
1. Artist biography series "Jiang Zhaoshen, Yu Chengyao, Chen Qikuan...". Published by Lion Art.
2. Taiwan's modern ink painting series "Pu Xinshe, Fu Xuanfu, Zhang Daqian...". Artist Press.
3. "New Techniques of Chinese Painting and Ink Painting". Edited by Lang Chengwen. China: Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House. 1995.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Classroom performance
30 出席率,學習態度、課外練習作業、課堂分享討論,按時繳交規定的作業、 速寫簿完整性
系展參展作品( 期中草圖、期末完成品) 全開以上(或3×6尺)至少二件系展參展作品( 期中草圖、期末完成品) 全開以上(或3×6尺)至少二件
At least two pieces of works to be exhibited in the department exhibition (mid-term sketches, final works) are fully open or above (or 3×6 feet)
60 期中成績為作品草稿,期末成績為系展參展作品。
Publication and analysis of the finished product at the end of the term
20 發表作品時的儀態、語言 、對於成品是否有評析

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-2640 Formal Study in Chinese Ink / 水墨造型(一) (美術系3-4,授課教師:林銓居/鄭志揚,四/5,6,7[FA209])
選修-2640 Formal Study in Chinese Ink / 水墨造型(一) (美術系3-4,授課教師:林銓居/鄭志揚,四/5,6,7[FA209])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/11,12,13[FA208]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭月妹
修課班級 Class:美術系3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 49 人。

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