course information of 103 - 1 | 7178 Introduction to Landscape Architecture(景觀學概論)

Taught In English7178 - 景觀學概論 Introduction to Landscape Architecture

教育目標 Course Target

1.協助大學部非景觀相關科系之碩士班學生,能進一部了解景觀科系之學習內容。 2.讓學生可以就原本所習專業與工作經驗和景觀專業達到相輔相成之作用。 3.讓學生獲知各景觀空間規劃、設計、營造與維護管理之基本知識。 4.瞭解景觀趨勢與景觀市場之發展。1. To assist master's degree students in non-landscape-related departments at the university to understand the learning content of the landscape department. 2. Allow students to complement each other with their original major, work experience and landscape major. 3. Let students know the basic knowledge of planning, design, construction and maintenance management of various landscape spaces. 4. Understand landscape trends and the development of the landscape market.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程乃大一新生第一學期必修之課,屬於景觀專業學習之入門介紹。全課程分為四階段如下: 〈一〉景觀定義與景觀元素解讀。 〈二〉景觀專業介紹。 〈三〉國內外景觀教育。 〈四〉景觀設計與景觀規劃。
This course is a required course for freshmen in the first semester and is an introductory introduction to landscape majors. The whole course is divided into four stages as follows: <1> Landscape definition and interpretation of landscape elements. <2> Introduction to landscape profession. <3> Landscape education at home and abroad. <4> Landscape design and landscape planning.

參考書目 Reference Books

7.Marshall, L. L., (1981), Landscape Architecture-Guildlines to Professional Practice, American
Society of Landscape Architecture.
8.景觀建築概論 Michael Laurie 原著 林靜娟 邱麗蓉合譯 田園城市
9.台灣景觀作品集 2001~2008
10.環境規劃設計導論 John Ormsbee Simonds 原著 張效通譯 六合
11.Site Design and Construction Detailing THEODORE D. WALKER VAN
12.為什麼文化很重要 李振昌譯 聯經
13.景觀 文化,生態與感知 俞孔堅 田園城市
14.空間就是權力 畢恆達 心靈工坊
16.Design with Nature
17.Experience of Nature
1. Wang Jintang, ed. (1994), Applied Behavior in Environmental Design, Donghua Book Company.
2. Compiled by Chang Huaisheng, (1996), Architecture, Environmental Psychology, Garden City.
3. He Youfeng, (1992), Development and Topics of Post-User Evaluation Research, Seminar Proceedings, p.60.
4. Translated by Guan Huashan, (1987), Research and Design-Research on Environmental Behavior, Hanwei Publishing House.
5. He Jianming, (2002), Research on post-use evaluation of urban square open space - taking Taipei City Xinyi Planning District as an example, Master's thesis, Taipei University of Science and Technology
Institute of Architecture and Urban Design.
6. Xie Bochang, (1995), Research on Urban Open Space Pattern, Master's Thesis, Institute of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University.
7.Marshall, L. L., (1981), Landscape Architecture-Guildlines to Professional Practice, American
Society of Landscape Architecture.
8. Introduction to Landscape Architecture Michael Laurie Original written by Lin Jingjuan and Qiu Lirong Co-translated Garden City
9. Taiwan Landscape Works Collection 2001~2008
10. Introduction to Environmental Planning and Design John Ormsbee Simonds Original work Translated by Zhang Xiaotong Liuhe
11.Site Design and Construction Detailing THEODORE D. WALKER VAN
12. Why culture is important Translated by Li Zhenchang Lian Jing
13. Landscape Culture, Ecology and Perception Yu Kongjian Garden City
14. Space is power Bi Hengda Soul Workshop
15. Urban imagery
16.Design with Nature
17.Experience of Nature

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participate in class
60 上課參與與發言
Final report

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相似課程 Related Course

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/12,13
授課教師 Teacher:蔡淑美
修課班級 Class:景觀專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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