course information of 103 - 1 | 6681 Scientific English (I)(科學英文(Ⅰ))

Taught In English6681 - 科學英文(Ⅰ) Scientific English (I)

教育目標 Course Target

One goal of the course is to help train the students in the fundamentals of educated English non-fiction study/close/intensive reading and composed writing. A second goal of the course is to help the students improve their educated English vocabulary and diction.One goal of the course is to help train the students in the fundamentals of educated English non-fiction study/close/intensive reading and composed writing. A second goal of the course is to help the students improve their educated English vocabulary and diction.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) From Reading To Writing 4 (2010)
– C. Ward; Pearson/Longman [敦煌/Caves]

Optional Reference Books
English Grammar:
(1) Grammar In Use: Intermediate (2000, 2007) [中文版]
– R. Murphy with W. R. Smalzer, Cambridge University Press [東華書局]

English Vocabulary:
(1) Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (20??,7th Ed.)
– A. S. Hornby (Ed.); Oxford University Press [敦煌/Caves]
(2) Webster's New World College Dictionary (2001, 4th Ed.)
- IDG Books Worldwide [文鶴/Crane]
(3) New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary [2 volumes] (2007, 6th Ed.)
- L. Brown (Ed.); Oxford University Press [敦煌/Caves]
(4) Merriam-Webster Dictionary Of Synonyms [hardcover] (1984)
- Merriam-Webster [文鶴/Crane]
(5) Merriam-Webster Dictionary Of Synonyms & Antonyms [paperback] (1992)
– Merriam-Webster [文鶴/Crane]

English Composition:
(1) Writing Essays: From Paragraph To Essay (2011)
– D. E. Zemach & L. A. Rumisek; Macmillan [東華書局]
(2) Writing Research Papers: From Essay To Research Paper (2011)
– D. E. Zemach, D. Broudy, & C. Valvona; Macmillan [東華書局]
(1) From Reading To Writing 4 (2010)
– C. Ward; Pearson/Longman [Dunhuang/Caves]

Optional Reference Books
English Grammar:
(1) Grammar In Use: Intermediate (2000, 2007) [Chinese version]
– R. Murphy with W. R. Smalzer, Cambridge University Press [东华书馆]

English Vocabulary:
(1) Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (20??,7th Ed.)
– A. S. Hornby (Ed.); Oxford University Press [Dunhuang/Caves]
(2) Webster's New World College Dictionary (2001, 4th Ed.)
- IDG Books Worldwide [文河/Crane]
(3) New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary [2 volumes] (2007, 6th Ed.)
- L. Brown (Ed.); Oxford University Press [Dunhuang/Caves]
(4) Merriam-Webster Dictionary Of Synonyms [hardcover] (1984)
- Merriam-Webster [文河/Crane]
(5) Merriam-Webster Dictionary Of Synonyms & Antonyms [paperback] (1992)
– Merriam-Webster [文河/Crane]

English Composition:
(1) Writing Essays: From Paragraph To Essay (2011)
– D. E. Zemach & L. A. Rumisek; Macmillan [Tung Wah Book Company]
(2) Writing Research Papers: From Essay To Research Paper (2011)
– D. E. Zemach, D. Broudy, & C. Valvona; Macmillan [东华书馆]

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
In/Out-Of-Class Written WorkIn/Out-Of-Class Written Work
In/Out-Of-Class Written Work

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/1,2[AG104]
授課教師 Teacher:Glen Robert
修課班級 Class:畜產碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 7 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 7 人。

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