course information of 103 - 1 | 6678 Special Topics on Adipocyte Biology(脂肪細胞學特論)

Taught In English6678 - 脂肪細胞學特論 Special Topics on Adipocyte Biology

教育目標 Course Target

本課程旨在幫助學生熟悉基本的脂肪細胞生理學知識,內容主要包含細胞組成與結構、新陳代謝與能量使用、基因調控與細胞功能、細胞週期與癌症、細胞分化與發育、以及細胞訊息傳遞與基因表現等,透過相關文獻討論幫助學生建立重要與使用重要的脂肪細胞生理學觀念,以助畜產課程的學習與研究的進行。This course is designed to help students become familiar with basic knowledge of adipocyte physiology. The content mainly includes cell composition and structure, metabolism and energy use, gene regulation and cell function, cell cycle and cancer, cell differentiation and development, as well as cell messaging and genes. Performance, etc., through discussion of relevant literature to help students establish important and useful concepts of adipocyte physiology to facilitate the study and research of animal production courses.

參考書目 Reference Books

Essential Cell Biology by Alberts et al., 3/e, 2010

Essential Cell Biology by Alberts et al., 3/e, 2010
Related journal articles

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class discussion performance
research report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[系館]
授課教師 Teacher:陳珠亮
修課班級 Class:畜產系4,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:大四可選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 8 人。

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