course information of 103 - 1 | 5817 Methods of Business Research(企業研究方法)

Taught In English5817 - 企業研究方法 Methods of Business Research

教育目標 Course Target

本課程目標是讓修課學生瞭解、熟悉及學會運用科學的研究方法,協助企業解決管理上之問題或掌握環境上之機會。本課程希望讓修課同學運用研究方法的知識與技能,協助管理者分析診斷企業所面臨的問題與機會,並針對企業實際問題進行科學性研究,提出可供管理者解決問題之攸關資訊。具體而言,本課程目標如下: 1. 讓學生能運用探索性研究方法,針對企業面臨到之管理困境中,辨認出管理上需要解決之問題及研究上需要探討之問題。 2. 讓學生瞭解各種研究取向及研究方法,針對管理問題進行適當的研究設計,以解決管理者面臨之問題。 3. 讓學生瞭解資料蒐集工具及測量方法的發展,使其能蒐集具有信度與效度之資料,以解決管理者面臨之問題。The goal of this course is to enable students to understand, become familiar with, and learn to apply scientific research methods to help companies solve management problems or grasp environmental opportunities. This course hopes to enable students to use the knowledge and skills of research methods to assist managers in analyzing and diagnosing the problems and opportunities faced by enterprises, conduct scientific research on actual corporate problems, and provide relevant information that managers can use to solve problems. Specifically, the objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Allow students to use exploratory research methods to identify management problems that need to be solved and research issues that need to be explored in response to the management dilemmas faced by enterprises. 2. Let students understand various research orientations and research methods, and conduct appropriate research designs for management issues to solve the problems faced by managers. 3. Let students understand the development of data collection tools and measurement methods so that they can collect data with reliability and validity to solve problems faced by managers.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程是研究方法的基礎課程,課程目的是要讓研究所學生具備進行企業管理領域研究的基本觀念、知識及技能。因此課程目標在讓修課同學能夠: 1. 建立企業研究之基本概念。 2. 熟悉企業研究之程序。 3. 瞭解各種研究之設計。 4. 學會衡量方法、問卷設計及抽樣。 5. 簡介質化研究方法及各種數量分析方法。 本課程將利用教師課程講授、研究論文研討、上機實習、及進行研究報告等方法,培養修課同學研究方法的基本觀念、知識及技能,以便有基本的能力閱讀企業管理領域的論文,並奠定進行企業管理領域研究的基礎。
This course is a basic course on research methods. The purpose of the course is to equip graduate students with the basic concepts, knowledge and skills for conducting research in the field of business management. Therefore, the goal of the course is to enable students to: 1. Establish the basic concepts of enterprise research. 2. Be familiar with corporate research procedures. 3. Understand the design of various studies. 4. Learn measurement methods, questionnaire design and sampling. 5. Introduction to qualitative research methods and various quantitative analysis methods. This course will use teachers' lectures, research paper discussions, computer internships, and research reports to cultivate the basic concepts, knowledge and skills of research methods in the course students, so that they can have the basic ability to read papers in the field of business management, and Lay the foundation for conducting research in the field of business management.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Cooper, D. R. & Schindler, P. S. Business Research Methods, 11thEdition, 2011. McGraw-Hill(華泰文化代理)
2. Hart, C., Doing a Literature Review, 2003. Sage Publication Ltd.

1. Cooper, D. R. & Schindler, P. S. Business Research Methods, 11thEdition, 2011. McGraw-Hill (Huatai Cultural Agency)
2. Hart, C., Doing a Literature Review, 2003. Sage Publication Ltd.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm and final exam results
30 針對課堂所講授研究方法概念與理論、及各種研究工具的瞭解與應用加以測驗評分。
Daily homework and report results
40 針對平常研究方法作業或論文研讀報告進行評分。
Final report results
20 採取兩位授課老師對研究計劃的評分計算。
Individual class participation and performance
10 評估個別學生的出席情況、課堂發言討論及積極參與程度。

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

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必修-6100 Methods of Business Research / 企業研究方法 (高階經管班1,授課教師:黃延聰/王凱立,六/2,3,4[M023])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6,7[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:許書銘/黃延聰
修課班級 Class:企管碩1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 51 人。

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