course information of 103 - 1 | 4411 (大一體育:保齡球)

Taught In English4411 - 大一體育:保齡球

教育目標 Course Target

引導學生認識保齡球愈動,進而養成終生運動的習慣 學習保齡球運動的基本知識與技能,提升學生對保齡球運動的興趣 養成每週規律動之習慣,促進學生健康體適能 瞭解保齡球比賽之規則、禮儀,訓練學生成為優質之運動家Guide students to understand that bowling is more dynamic, and then develop lifelong sports habits Learn the basic knowledge and skills of bowling and enhance students’ interest in bowling Develop the habit of regular exercise every week to promote students’ health and physical fitness Understand the rules and etiquette of bowling games and train students to become high-quality athletes

課程概述 Course Description

保齡球是一項非常優良的休閒運動,該次運動不僅可以充分達到運動的效果,同時,亦可以訓練每一位球友具有良好的紳士風度;從球場之基本禮儀,每一位球友彼此不見得有直接接觸的機會,但是每一位球友卻要有彼此尊重之胸懷,不要因為自己的無心之過,而造成他人之困擾。 初級之課程內容,著重學生之基本動作,由最初之單步擲球開始,引導學生從最基本之持球進入擲球動作,逐步延伸到跨步擲球,至學習到完整之擲球動作。由基本之擲球動作學習如何控制自己本身之身體架構,轉變成一個標準之擲球動作,以提升擲球之精準度,提高成績與學習成就。 有了基本動作之基礎,再逐一向學習者講說保齡球之基本架構(球、球瓶、球道基本構造、球道之標誌相關之關係),進而提昇球友之技術水平。 進階之課,從基本之直球基礎上展開進一步之球技學習勾球、飛碟球、曲球等各種不同球技,提供學生各項學習之機會,進而選擇本身喜歡而且又適合個人之擲球技巧。
Bowling is a very good leisure sport. This sport can not only fully achieve the effect of exercise, but also train every golfer to have a good gentlemanly manner. From the basic etiquette of the golf course, every golfer does not see each other. There must be opportunities for direct contact, but every golfer must respect each other and not cause trouble to others because of his own unintentional mistakes. The content of the elementary course focuses on students' basic movements, starting from the initial single-step throwing, guiding students from the most basic ball-holding to throwing, and gradually extends to step-throwing, until they learn the complete throwing movement. Learn how to control your own body structure from basic throwing movements to a standard throwing movement to improve the accuracy of throwing and improve your performance and learning achievements. With the foundation of basic movements, the basic structure of bowling (the relationship between the ball, the pin, the basic structure of the lane, and the signs of the lane) will be explained to the learners one by one, thereby improving the technical level of golfers. Advanced courses start from the basic straight throw and develop further skills to learn hook, disc, curveball and other different skills, providing students with various learning opportunities and then choosing the throwing skills that they like and suit them personally.

參考書目 Reference Books

保齡球技巧入門 文國書局
圖解保齡球技法 文榮出版社
保齡球運動實際要領 中華民國保齡球協會
保齡球運動基本常識 台灣省保齡球協會
保齡球競賽規程 台灣省保齡球協會
競技運動訓練的理論與方法 體育出版社

Introduction to Bowling Skills Wen Guo Bookstore
Illustrated Bowling Techniques Wenrong Publishing House
Practical Essentials of Bowling Bowling Association of the Republic of China
Basic knowledge of bowling Taiwan Bowling Association
Bowling Competition Regulations Taiwan Bowling Association
Theories and methods of competitive sports training Sports Press

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
skills test
Absence (Sportsmanship, Learning Attitude)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[保齡球館]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡和成
修課班級 Class:企管,國貿,會計1
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 49 人。

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