course information of 103 - 1 | 3638 Theory & Practice of Guidance(輔導原理與實務)

Taught In English3638 - 輔導原理與實務 Theory & Practice of Guidance

教育目標 Course Target

1.瞭解學校輔導工作的意義、目的與功能。 2.瞭解身為學校老師必需具備的輔導基本理念與技巧。 3.瞭解目前中等學校的學生,身心/學業/生活可能面臨的問題,以及如何藉由輔導的介入而發揮健全學生身心發展和解決學業/生活面臨的困境。 1. Understand the meaning, purpose and function of school counseling work. 2. Understand the basic concepts and skills of tutoring that a school teacher must possess. 3. Understand the physical, mental, academic, and life problems that current secondary school students may face, and how to improve students' physical and mental development and solve academic/life difficulties through the intervention of counseling.

課程概述 Course Description

In a pluralistic society, in addition to the functions and responsibilities that families should have, schools also need to help young students develop sound personalities and adapt to life; therefore, today’s teachers should have the professional knowledge of counseling and schools should regard counseling as the core of education. One of the tasks is to effectively establish a correct outlook on life for young people.

參考書目 Reference Books

三、 教材及主要參考書:
Textbook: 林萬億 等著 (2005)(初版三刷):學校輔導團隊工作。台北:五南書局。
Reference: 周甘逢 等著 (2003):輔導原理與實務。高雄:復文出版社。
柳惠容 等譯 (2003):伴青少年渡過掙扎期。台北縣新店:橄欖文化。
周念縈 譯 (2004):人類發展學。高雄:巨流圖書。
王連生 (1994) (五版一刷):教育輔導原理與技術。台北:五南。
戴靖惠 譯 (2002):教師的諮商技巧。台北:弘智文化。
孫守湉 等譯 (2004):教師的諮商技巧。台北:心理出版社。

3. Textbooks and main reference books:
Textbook: Lin Wanyi Waiting (2005) (first edition three times): The work of the school guidance team. Taipei: Wunan Book Company.
Reference: Zhou Ganfeng et al. (2003): Principles and Practice of Counseling. Kaohsiung: Fuwen Publishing House.
Translated by Liu Huirong et al. (2003): Accompanying teenagers through the period of struggle. New store in Taipei County: Olive Culture.
Translated by Zhou Nianying (2004): Human Development. Kaohsiung: Juliu Books.
Wang Liansheng (1994) (five editions and one brush): Principles and Technology of Educational Counseling. Taipei: Wunan.
Translated by Dai Jinghui (2002): Teachers’ consultation skills. Taipei: Hongzhi Culture.
Translated by Sun Shoutan et al. (2004): Teachers’ consultation skills. Taipei: Psychology Press.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Discussion in class
Personal weekly report assignments (including uploading to teaching platform and e-files)
Album (VCD) report & presentation
Internship tapes (listen to your own and other people’s reports)

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必修-3637 Theory & Practice of Guidance / 輔導原理與實務 (教育學程2,授課教師:李信良,一/7,8[H123])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/10,11[H123]
授課教師 Teacher:李信良
修課班級 Class:教育學程2
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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