course information of 103 - 1 | 2797 Architectural Theories(建築理論)

Taught In English2797 - 建築理論 Architectural Theories

教育目標 Course Target

1. 就現存中外建築學者所建構之重要著作論述,經由課堂導讀講解,協助學生理解對影響各不同時期重要建築思潮背後之主要哲學思想根源。 2. 針對各不同哲學思潮之價值辯證,檢視並評述受其影響之建築論述思潮,以師生共同討論方式,誘導養成學生獨立判斷思考與評論能力。 3. 利用建築實際案例評介與相關影片觀察,共同探討有關建築理論之定義、範疇、理念、實踐、詮釋與辯證等議題。1. Based on the discussion of important works constructed by existing Chinese and foreign architectural scholars, through classroom introduction and explanation, it helps students understand the main philosophical roots behind the important architectural trends of different periods. 2. In view of the value dialectics of different philosophical trends, examine and comment on the architectural discourse trends influenced by them, and use teachers and students to discuss together to induce students to develop independent judgment, thinking and criticism abilities. 3. Use actual architectural case reviews and relevant video observations to jointly discuss issues related to the definition, scope, concepts, practice, interpretation and dialectics of architectural theory.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程主要講授內容大致分為兩部份: (一) 建築意義之辯證:包含「第一章:從理型美學到機械美學之辯證」及「第二章:建築典範與範型移轉之思辯」兩關鍵議題之探討。 (二) 詮釋本質的模型:包含「第三章:現象本質意義之個人再詮釋學」、「第四章:場所感知溝通模式與建築語用自由度」及「第五章:意識形態與建築師之社會角色定位」等三關鍵議題之探討。 由前述兩部份有關建築意義與本質之辯證與詮釋模型之探索,期能建立一較嚴謹之建築論述內涵。
The main teaching content of this course is roughly divided into two parts: (1) Dialectics of architectural significance: including the discussion of two key topics: "Chapter 1: Dialectics from rational aesthetics to mechanical aesthetics" and "Chapter 2: Thoughts on architectural paradigms and paradigm transfer". (2) Model of the essence of interpretation: including "Chapter 3: Personal Re-Hermeneutics of the Essential Meaning of Phenomenon", "Chapter 4: Communication Mode of Place Perception and Architectural Pragmatic Freedom" and "Chapter 5: Ideology and Architecture Discussion on three key issues including "Teacher's Social Role Positioning". Through the exploration of the dialectics and interpretation models of the meaning and essence of architecture in the two parts mentioned above, it is expected that a more rigorous architectural discussion connotation can be established.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 蘇智鋒,2012,課程講義 - 理型建構:建築理論初階,請逕自本課程數位教學平台下載。
2. Jonathan A. Hale, 2000, Building Ideas - An Introduction to Architectural Theory, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., West Sussex, England. (本書為建築理論之入門書籍,內容主要分成建築之定義與建築辯證理論兩部份,第一部 份之建築定義慨分為建築科技論與建築藝術論兩章。第二部份之建築辯證理論,則分別討論建築現象學、結構主義與建築符號學、建築與社會政治學等。)
3. Veronica Biermann, et. al., 2003, Architectural Theory - From The Renaissance to The Present, Taschen, Koln. (本書第一部份為西方建築以幾何比例尺度等所建構之理型美學,第二部份為建築師與理論家之相關論述與實踐。)
1. Su Zhifeng, 2012, Course Notes - Conceptual Construction: Elementary Architectural Theory, please download it from the digital teaching platform of this course.
2. Jonathan A. Hale, 2000, Building Ideas - An Introduction to Architectural Theory, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., West Sussex, England. (This book is an introductory book on architectural theory. The content is mainly divided into the definition of architecture and the dialectical theory of architecture. The first part is divided into two parts: the definition of architecture and the theory of architectural technology. The second part is the dialectical theory of architecture, which discusses architectural phenomenology, structuralism and architectural semiotics, and architecture and society respectively. Political Science, etc. )
3. Veronica Biermann, et. al., 2003, Architectural Theory - From The Renaissance to The Present, Taschen, Koln. (The first part of this book is the theoretical aesthetics constructed by Western architecture based on geometric proportions and scales, and the second part is This is the relevant discussion and practice of architects and theorists).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
daily performance
20 詳學習活動與作業說明。
group report
20 每組口頭簡報20分鐘,5分鐘討論。
midterm exam
30 期中考前無故缺課累計達二次(含)以上者,則期中考與予扣考。
final exam
30 全學期無故缺課累計達三次(含)以上者,則期末考與予扣考。

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選修-7136 Theories of Landscape Architecture / 景觀建築理論 (景觀碩1,2,工工博乙,授課教師:章錦瑜/鍾溫凊/黃章展/蔡淑美/黃宜瑜/吳佩玲,二/6,7,8)

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7[C102]
授課教師 Teacher:蘇智鋒
修課班級 Class:建築系4
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 36 人。

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