course information of 103 - 1 | 2486 Food Machinery(食品機械)

Taught In English2486 - 食品機械 Food Machinery

教育目標 Course Target

介紹食品機械之領域及其相關設備,使同學對此領域有一基本認識,進而強化日後從事食品相關行業之基本機械概念與成果。This course introduces the field of food machinery and its related equipment so that students can have a basic understanding of this field, thereby strengthening the basic mechanical concepts and achievements in food-related industries in the future.

課程概述 Course Description

Let students from the Department of Food Science have a basic understanding of food machinery to prepare themselves for the workplace.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 林泗譚。1988。食品機械修護。慶華印製有限公司。
2. 林書成。1982。食品加工機具。復文書局。
3. 徐景福。1982。食品機械概論。正文書局。
4. 張宏明。1979。化工機械。正文書局。
5. 陳振揚。1978,1980。單元操作(上)(下)。三民書局。
6. 彭錦樵。1985。農產加工工程。大中國書局。
7. 賴滋漢。1990。食品加工機具(上)(下)。精華出版社。
8. 盧福明。1986。農產加工工程學。茂昌圖書有限公司。
9. 朱永康。1985。穀倉塵爆災變及預防方法簡介。台灣區雜糧發展基金會。
10. 柯文慶、初建平。2001。發酵原理及米酒之釀造。中興大學農 學院食品加工廠。
11. 孫朝棟。1992。食品工程學。藝軒圖書出版社。
12. 各類有關食品機械之參考書籍。
13. 各類有關食品工業或食品機械之展覽資料(如:台北國際農產暨食品工業展專刊。台北國際包裝工業展專利。台北國際食品暨餐飲展專利等)。
14. 各種食品機械之廠商型錄等。
15. 自強基金會各種研習訓練班之講義及相關資料等。
16. 陳朝光、陳銘崑。1998。工程圖學。高立圖書有限公司。
17. 片岡廣等人。1990。食品製造機械。文部省。日本。
18. 戶 滋。1983。食品機械學總論。日南機械株式會社。
19. Brennan, J.G., J.R. Butters., N.D. Cowell., and A.E.V. Lilley. 1990. Food Engineering Operations. Elsevier Applied Science. New York, USA.
20. Farrall, A.W. Food Engineering Systems. Volume 1- Operations (1976). Volume 2- Utilities (1979). AVI. Publishing Co.Inc, Westport, Connecticut, USA.
21. Fellows, P. 1988. Food Processing Technology. Ellis Horwood Ltd.,Chichester, England.
22. Engineering a Safer Food Machine. 1980. ASAE International Winter Meeting Papers.
Lecture notes, reference books, teaching videos and supplementary materials, etc.
Main references:
1. Lin Si Tan. 1988. Food machinery repair. KINGHUA PRINTING LIMITED.
2. Lin Shucheng. 1982. Food processing machinery. Copy Bookstore.
3. Xu Jingfu. 1982. Introduction to Food Machinery. Text bookstore.
4. Zhang Hongming. 1979. Chemical machinery. Text bookstore.
5. Chen Zhenyang. 1978, 1980. Unit operation (top) (bottom). Sanmin Bookstore.
6. Peng Jinqiao. 1985. Agricultural products processing engineering. Great China Bookstore.
7. Lai Zihan. 1990. Food processing machinery (top) (bottom). Essence Press.
8. Lu Fuming. 1986. Agricultural processing engineering. MACHANG BOOK LIMITED.
9. Zhu Yongkang. 1985. An introduction to barn dust explosion disasters and prevention methods. Taiwan Cereals Development Foundation.
10. Ke Wenqing, Chu Jianping. 2001. Principles of fermentation and brewing of rice wine. Food processing plant of National Chung Hsing University College of Agriculture.
11. Sun Chaodong. 1992. Food Engineering. Yixuan Books Publishing House.
12. Various reference books on food machinery.
13. Various exhibition materials related to the food industry or food machinery (such as: Taipei International Agricultural Products and Food Industry Exhibition special issue. Taipei International Packaging Industry Exhibition patents. Taipei International Food and Catering Exhibition patents, etc.).
14. Manufacturer catalogs of various food machinery, etc.
15. Handouts and related materials of various training courses of the Self-Strength Foundation.
16. Chen Chaoguang, Chen Mingkun. 1998. Engineering graphics. GAOLI BOOK LIMITED.
17. Hiroshi Kataoka et al. 1990. Food manufacturing machinery. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Japan.
18. House Zi. 1983. General Introduction to Food Mechanics. Nichinan Machinery Co., Ltd.
19. Brennan, J.G., J.R. Butters., N.D. Cowell., and A.E.V. Lilley. 1990. Food Engineering Operations. Elsevier Applied Science. New York, USA.
20. Farrall, A.W. Food Engineering Systems. Volume 1- Operations (1976). Volume 2- Utilities (1979). AVI. Publishing Co.Inc, Westport, Connecticut, USA.
21. Fellows, P. 1988. Food Processing Technology. Ellis Horwood Ltd.,Chichester, England.
22. Engineering a Safer Food Machine. 1980. ASAE International Winter Meeting Papers.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Reading report (written report and oral presentation)
40 (40∼50%)
final exam
20 (20∼30%)
Attendance rate and class test
30 (30∼20%)
Off-campus visit experience report
10 (10∼0%)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[AG202]
授課教師 Teacher:彭錦樵
修課班級 Class:食科系3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 52 人。

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