course information of 103 - 1 | 2483 Food Sensory Evaluation(食品感官品評)

Taught In English2483 - 食品感官品評 Food Sensory Evaluation

教育目標 Course Target

食品感官品評技術這門課程需要理論及實務並進,日後進入業界才會知道如何操作與應用 瞭解感官品評在食品科學上的應用及感官品評技術正確的使用原則 能正確使用感官品評方法的使用時機且熟悉相關的實驗設計及操作方法(描述分析、差異分析及消費者試驗) 能夠利用統計分析(傳統單因子分析及多變量分析)評估三種感官品評方法所產生的數據並且能適當解釋分析結果在食品產業品管、產品研發及行銷的應用The course of food sensory evaluation technology requires both theory and practice. Only when you enter the industry will you know how to operate and apply it. Understand the application of sensory evaluation in food science and the correct principles for using sensory evaluation technology Be able to correctly use the timing of sensory evaluation methods and be familiar with relevant experimental design and operation methods (descriptive analysis, difference analysis and consumer testing) Be able to use statistical analysis (traditional single factor analysis and multivariate analysis) to evaluate the data generated by the three sensory evaluation methods and be able to appropriately interpret the application of the analysis results in food industry quality control, product development and marketing

課程概述 Course Description

確立一套有系統,可資依循的食品官能品質評估標準: 藉科學性的品評計劃與統計分析,以準確地評估食品的官能品質.
Establish a systematic and followable food functional quality evaluation standard: Accurately evaluate the sensory quality of food through scientific tasting plans and statistical analysis.

參考書目 Reference Books

劉伯康 莊朝琪 2014 食品感官品評理論與實務。(2014年10月才會有書)。新文京出版社。(修課同學必須必備此書)
Liu Bokang and Zhuang Chaoqi 2014 The theory and practice of food sensory evaluation. (The book will not be available until October 2014). Shin Bunkyo Publishing House. (Students taking this course must have this book)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
25 期中考試為第14周
Special topic production and reporting
25 分組進行實作與報告 從第15周開始 第17周要進行報告
15 缺課一次扣15分 請假扣8分 上課睡覺滑手機等扣5分
20 包含紙本作業及一個影帶作業

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[AG202]
授課教師 Teacher:劉伯康
修課班級 Class:食科系3
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 25 人。

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