1.使學生從家禽消化與繁殖生理基礎知能上,具有執行與改善飼養管理動物的能力。 2.從家禽生長發育之知識,使學生具有執行與改善畜產品加工生產的能力。 3.從家禽胚發育之知識,使學生具有生物技術應用的能力 4.使學生具有吸收最新飼養管理科技新知與分析產業動態的能力1. Enable students to have the ability to perform and improve breeding and management animals based on poultry physiological knowledge. 2. Knowledge of poultry growth and development enables students to have the ability to perform and improve the processing and production of livestock products. 3. From the knowledge of poultry embryo development, students have the ability to apply biotechnology 4. Enable students to absorb the latest new knowledge of breeding management technology and analytical industry trends
Poultry is an important animal husbandry industry in Taiwan. This course allows students to understand poultry nutrition, digestion and reproductive physiology, including the physiology of poultry feathers, skin, eggs, reproduction, digestion, bones, muscles, fat, breathing and blood, and understand the physiology of poultry. The difference between poultry physiology and animal physiology allows students to understand poultry more deeply from the course and can apply what they learn to poultry breeding management.
1. 季培元,1984。家禽解剖生理學,國立編譯館, 台北。
2. Farner, D. S., J. R. King (Ed), 1972. Avian Biology, Academic Press, New York.
3. Sturkie, P. D.(Ed), 1986, Avian Physiology, 4 th. Edition, Spring-verlag, New York.
4.E1 Bushy, A. R. Y., and A. F. B. vander Poel, 1994. Poultry Feed Waste processing and use. Chapman and Hall, New York.
5. 其他期刊: Poultry Sci ; Br. Poultry Sci.
1. Ji Peiyuan, 1984. Poultry anatomy and physiology, National Editorial Museum, Taipei.
2. Farner, D. S., J. R. King (Ed), 1972. Avian Biology, Academic Press, New York.
3. Sturkie, P. D.(Ed), 1986, Avian Physiology, 4 th. Edition, Spring-verlag, New York.
4.E1 Bushy, A. R. Y., and A. F. B. vander Poel, 1994. Poultry Feed Waste processing and use. Chapman and Hall, New York.
5. Other journals: Poultry Sci; Br. Poultry Sci.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常考平常考 Normal exam |
35 | 小考、作業與出席率 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
34 | 出題方式:選擇、解釋名詞、簡答或問答 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
34 | 出題方式:選擇、解釋名詞、簡答或問答 |